Chapter 21

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I watch the fight continue and am helpless to even speak a word. I want with all of my heart for Alex to come out on top so that we can leave this place together but a small part of me wants my maker to succeed. Is this due to some sort of protégé bond?

My mind races a million miles an hour as more punches are thrown between the brothers. The pace that they fight is so quickened that i am having trouble keeping up with the movements, even with my vampire eyes. I persevere and continue to watch in horror and dismay as the man i love and the man that turned me, fight to what i can only assume will be the death.

"Evie, we need to leave now." Giselle tries again to get me to leave but I can't bring my feet to move. I am planted in this position and have no intention of moving even though i know its not safe to stay.

If Alex wins then we have only a small window of time to escape before what he has done is discovered. But if Cail is victorious, i don't know what he will do to me out of anger. I may be his protege but i am clearly a toy for him to amuse himself with whenever he feels like it.

Giselle pulls at my arm harder and finally I am able to budge from my spot. She drags me closer to the door but I don't let my eyes leave the two men. I don't want to see but i can't bring myself to look away either.

Only when i hear someone enter the room do i finally break my gaze from alex and Cail. Giselle stops on the spot at the sight and I must say that I am just as shocked.

It's Keavy, standing tall and graceful in her beige flowy dress with a dagger in hand. It is the same dagger that I found hidden in Alex's room. The one that I tried to kill Cail with. The last I knew, Cail had kept it as a memento. He mentioned something about it being a family heirloom.

I watch her carefully as she slowly crosses the room towards the two men just as Cail throws Alex against the stone wall only for Alex to regain his composure in the next second and come back swinging. Alex then manages to bring Cail down to the ground causing cracks to instantly appear in the stone work floor but it is only for a second. Cail is back up before Alex can gain any kind of advantage.

It is clear that both men are excellent fighters that will not back down right now. Not when there is centuries between them.

Giselle is still pulling me away but I need to know what Keavy is about to do. Why is she even here and who is that dagger meant for?

Almost as though she heard my silent question, Keavy looks over to me, locking our gaze and letting off a small smile. She is so beautiful when she smiles. A dimple graces her cheek and she looks just like Alex when he is happy. They even share the same amazing blue eyes although hers seem somewhat brighter against her pale skin and firey red hair.

She breaks my gaze and then gives her attention back to her two feuding brothers as they continue to fight. It is clear that neither of them have even noticed that she is in the room. To be honest, i dont even know if they are aware that Giselle and i are still here. My guess is no.

A scream of pain leaves Alex's mouth as I snap my head toward him once more.

He is on the ground with a large piece of wood protruding from his abdomen. Cail is standing above him and suddenly yanks the wood from its spot and lines it up with Alex's chest. He is going to run that piece of wood straight into Alex's heart.

I want to scream but before I can let out even a breath Keavy makes her presence known.

"Cail." She speaks his name and he quickly turns his attention toward her. Even Alex turns his gaze to her. "Enough. Stop."

We all fall silent at her words and Cail even loosens his grip on the piece of wood he holds.

"Keavy, what are you doing here?" Cail asks with a renewed sense of dread in his voice at the sight of the dagger in her hand. Maybe he thinks that dagger is meant for him.

I let out a shaky breath as Cail begins to rise awaiting an answer from Keavy. We all await in silence when finally she opens her mouth to speak.

"To say goodbye, brother."

With that, she plunges the blade into her chest all the way to the hilt. She hits the floor almost instantly as a few quiet nanoseconds escape us all.

I let out a pained scream at the sight and Cail does the same. He quickly rushes over to Keavy and picks her up from the ground to rest in his lap. He cradles her still body and brushes her hair from her face as tears begin to well in his eyes.

Alex is struggling to stand but I can see the pain in his eyes as he watches his brother cradle his dead sister's body.

I race over to him and help him to his feet as Giselle motions for us to follow her. As soon as he is standing, Alex tries to push past me and go to his sister but i push against his chest stopping him.

"We need to leave." The worry and pain in my voice is evident and it makes his eyes shift to mine.

Within a moment he nods swiftly and heads toward the door Giselle is standing at with me close behind.

As we exit and run down the hall, Cail's pained screams can be heard but none of us dare look back. We can't look back now. There is nothing to look back on.

A/N - double update because they were short chapters. Sorry.

Also anyone given any thought to their dream cast??

Who would you pick to play the following;






And anyone else you have in mind. I have a few but would love to hear other opinions before posting my own.

Thanks again for being awesome and reading/voting/commenting! I seriously appreciate it. Xoxoxoxo

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