Chapter 4

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My smile drains from my face as one grows on the strangers face.

His pale skin and sunken eyes make him look as though he were ill or hurt badly somehow and when I take a moment to examine him I see the extent of his damage. He has been hurt and hurt badly. He is missing an entire arm and has several bullet holes ridden through his chest and abdomen. Blood has drenched his drenched his blackened shirt from his wounds and there is no doubt in my mind that this stranger is not in any way human.

Panic begins to set in as he takes a step closer to me reaching his undamaged hand out to grab hold of me. I slide backwards and deeper into the storage cupboard before knocking a large container of chemicals to the ground.

Before I can even think about why this vampire is here trying to get to me, I undo the tightly capped lid and throw the container his way. By sheer luck the chemicals splash into his wounds and his face coils into a grimace as hunches over in withering pain from the sting.

I reach again for another bottle and search for some sort of weapon but I know I can only fend him off for so long in a cupboard this size.

I throw a second and then a third bottle at him making sure that I splash as much liquid onto him as possible and with each splash, he takes a step backward further out the door.

If I keep this up maybe I can make a run for it and get somewhere safe before he can chase me down.

I stand with two bottles in hand ready to throw and then dash to safety just as blood splatters my way forcing me to drop the bottles and cover my eyes. I feel the blood as it drips fully over my face and know that I am the better part of drenched.

I open my eyes to find the stranger still standing but with a hand extending out of his chest cavity holding onto a barely beating heart.

I am sickened and relieved all in the same breath as the lifeless body of my would be captor falls to the ground revealing a blood soaked Alex still holding the heart in the palm of his hand.

"You can't stay out of trouble can you?" he says with a cheeky grin but all I can do is give off a half smile. I am so relieved to see him and want to get out of this place as quickly as humanly possible.

Nothing in this life will ever happen that makes me feel comfortable about what I just witnessed. But at least i am still breathing. Maybe if i keep that sentiment in my mind i may soon begin to believe it.

I push the thoughts to the back of my mind as Alex extends his clean hand and I take it promptly, wanting to put as much distance between myself and the dead body of the one armed vampire.

We stay close to the buildings with our hands entwined. Alex begins looking around everywhere in search for something. I listen in on him and he is trying to locate his sister. I begin to look around as well, knowing that two sets of eyes are better than one.

There are masses of people running to find safety as soldiers march in between them toward the noises that can be heard over the obnoxious sirens. Screams and gun fire thicken the air and make each breath harder and harder to swallow.

Suddenly, Alex's attention is caught by something directly in front of him and he pulls at my hand harder, willing me to pick up the pace. I comply and try to look over his shoulder and follow his gaze. The tension in his body rises and his shoulders begin to stiffen. Something is wrong.

"Keavy!" he yells out.

She must be in trouble. I pull my hand from his grip, releasing him from being my babysitter. He starts to turn around to look at me but I scream to his mind, Go! Help her!

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