Chapter 9

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I dress myself in the clothes that a nameless vampire girl brought to me and begin pacing the room awaiting my next match.

Today is a new day which means a new day for redemption. A chance to win my freedom from this tyrannical world and to escape the clutches of Cail.

I decide to take this alone time as a chance to stretch my muscles and practise my shadow boxing. Logan and I would spar every night when we lived inside the zone but once we moved to Malta, we dropped back to once or twice a week instead. I think that we both thought we wouldn't need to keep our hand to hand combat skills in check living in such a small community.

I notice Giselle enter the room but I don't stop what I am doing and instead go back to my stretches.

She saunters over to the bed and perches herself at the edge and begins examining her manicured nails. Her blue jeans are so tight that they look as though they have been painted on and she wears a plain black shirt and leopard print scarf to complete her look. Again she is wearing high heels and I start to wonder if she even owns a pair of flat shoes. Her make up is done to perfection and her hair is neatly tussled into soft curls that fall down her back. She looks effortlessly stunning.

"Did you see Alex? Is he ok?" I stop mid-stretch and wait for her response.

"He is in one piece, a bit bruised and battered, but ok."

I clench my fists and feel anger rise within me.

"What happened to him? Did Cail hurt him? God, I'm going to kill him!" I begin to pace up and down the length of the fireplace.

Giselle stands abruptly in an annoyed fashion and strides toward me taking me by the shoulders. With her large heels on she easily stands six inches taller than me.

"If I were you I would stop worrying about Alex. He is the reason you are in this mess and if you want to get out of it, you have to get your head in the game. A lot more than just your freedom is at stake you know, so pull yourself together and get a God damn grip!"

All anger leaves my body as I stare up at her, almost scared of her words. In a way, she is right. I need to get my head in the game and win this match and the next, then I can worry about how to free Alex. Until then, I am no good to either of us for getting worked up over a few bumps and bruises. Alex is a vampire. He can, and has, survived worse.

Giselle lets go of me dramatically and moves to the door.

I replay her words once more and come across a realisation.

"You said that more is at stake than just my freedom, what do you mean?"

Giselle meets my gaze and I notice a flash of fear strike across her eyes.

"You're not the only one that will die if you fail."


The crowd cheers once more as I take my place in the centre of the arena. I stand beside Giselle once more as she waves to her adoring fans. I have no doubt that she is well known within the vampire world and can only guess that the main reason is her beauty.

I search the opposite side of her waiting for my opponent but no one is coming forward. The gong sounds and draws my attention to Cail once more.

"We come to the end of day two of the redemption trial and as before, I have decided to leave our human to last. As you remember from yesterday, Evette is fighting for her freedom and her life as punishment for being involved with a vampire and completing a sealed bond with him. Today I chose something a little different. Evette will face one of her own kind." Cail's words shock the crowd as some even begin to boo. They want a show and they don't think that having me fight another human will suffice.

Zone Zero: Redemption (Book 2 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now