Chapter 12

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I hobble down stone steps that lead into the dungeon with help from Giselle. Even though my wounds are causing agonizing pain to shoot through my body I push the pain aside and continue on my path.

Giselle has her left arm wrapped around my body and holds my right hand in hers and gently strokes the skin. Her mere presence is calming as she helps me take each step carefully.

As soon as the fight between Declyn and I was over, Giselle was the first person to come to my side. She pushed away a brutish oaf so that she could be the one to help me to my feet and lead me out of the arena.

I lock eyes with her and she shoots me a soft smile. I don't fully understand why she has chosen to be so nice and caring toward me but I am grateful that she has. At this moment, she is the only person to show any type of sympathy to me. She is probably the closest thing to a friend i have right now.

We come to the bottom of the stairs and begin our decent deeper into the underground dungeon. There are a few cells cutting into the stone walls that are empty and one that houses a sleeping mound that I can only guess is a man.

We continue on and turn down a dark and dank corridor that is only barely illuminated by a few small lanterns.

At the end of the corridor stands a single cell etched into the stone just as the ones before. As we get closer, I can just make out a figure sitting with its back against the wall inside the cell. Inching closer I can distinguish the figure as a man and my heart immediately begins to race.

I begin to hobble faster, hoping to close the distance between myself and the prison cell as soon as possible. Giselle feels my sense of urgency and quietly obeys my command to move faster.

At the sound of our footsteps the man's attention falls to us and I instantly feel the hope in the air rise.

"Alex!" I call out. At the sound of my voice, he springs to his feet and stands holding the bars awaiting my arrival.

"Evie?" the man returns.

I push away from Giselle and stumble the last few feet to the cell gripping at the bars to steady myself upon arrival. Strong, masculine hands reach through the bars and help guide me to sitting so not to cause any more pain.

I touch the hands in the darkness and bring them to my face. I know from the feel of them that they belong to Alex. It is him.

He caresses my cheek as I start to sob and he soon sits down, mirroring me so that he can fully extend his arms out to hold me as close as the bars permit. I nuzzle into him as much as i can and let my tears fall freely.

"Oh Evie. You're alive! Thank God." His voice is full of relief as he tightens his grip on me.

Giselle's footsteps move closer to us as she brings a nearby light to my feet. She sets it down and watches on, waiting for either Alex or I to acknowledge her.

I bring my face away from Alex's shoulder and look up to Giselle now that she is illuminated by the small lantern at my feet.

"Thank you." I beam my most sincere of smiles at her for what she has done. She has been my only remnants of a friend during this whole ordeal and now that I have won my freedom I can finally say goodbye to her and to Cail.

Giselle smiles at me briefly but then turns her gaze to Alex whose body has grown rigid and tense.

I look over to Alex with questioning eyes and watch as he begins to study every inch of my body.

"I told you to look after her, Giselle. What the fuck happened?" his voice is low and scolding as he looks to Giselle for answers for my injured body.

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