Chapter 11

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Tears well in my eyes so fast that my vision goes instantly blurry.

"Declyn." I move toward him hoping that he will see me and instantly recognise me too. I want to rush over to him and throw my arms around him and have him return my embrace. My long lost brother returned after almost two years of me thinking he has been dead.

"Declyn." I repeat his name but as I close the distance between us, it begins to dawn on me that something about my long lost brother is different.

I stop mid stride, a couple of meters from his reach and stare at him intently.

"Declyn. It's me, Evie."

He says nothing but brings his eyes to meet mine. His once warm and amazing brown eyes that were just like our fathers, are now cold and distant. It is like he doesn't know me at all.

I take every inch of him in as he stands before me. He is bare chested and faded scars that were never there before, litter his skin. I can't even begin to comprehend what traumas he has received or the pain that he has suffered to obtain such scars. They range in size and length but all look faded as though received a year ago at least.

His hair is longer and shaggier than I remember and it falls around his eyes, partially obstructing his view. His gaze hardens on me but soon breaks, as he turns his attention directly toward Cail and salutes him.

I look between Declyn and Cail and watch in horror as Cail returns the salute with a malicious gleam in his eye. Declyn drops his hand and stands with his arms behind his back as though ready to receive his orders.

My stomach turns at the sight but another crack of thunder, along with the growing cheers of the crowd, bring me back to the here and now.

Cail raises his arms once more and again, silence falls across the crowd.

"This will be a fight to the death as always. A fight between siblings to welcome my own sister back into my life," Cail turns and ushers a waif like woman with firey red hair forward for all to see, "Keavy has returned after such a long time as a captive within Zone Two. In honour of her return, it is only fitting that she is the one to commence this fight."

Keavy steps forward and looks directly at me but all I can think of is Cail's words. Keavy is Alex's sister. His twin sister. So if Keavy is Alex's twin and is also sister to Cail then my worst fears have come to life. Cail and Alex are brothers.

Before I can dwell on the new information given to me, Keavy smiles and raises her hand before mouthing the words 'good luck' to me. As soon as she drops her hand, a loud gong sounds and the fight begins.

I turn to Declyn with confusion stretched across my face only for my chin to meet his clenched fist.

I stumble back and spit out a mouthful of blood. Raising my hands, I turn back toward Declyn and begin to reason with him.

"Declyn, please. It's Evie!"

He doesn't even listen to my words and instead throws another punch that I am too slow to evade. It lands on my right cheek causing me to fall to one knee still with my hands raised in surrender.

"Declyn, you don't have to do this. Please, just listen to me."

Declyn brings his fist down once more and connects with the left side of my face. The force pushes me to the ground just as the thunder sounds once more. This time, the skies choose to open up and a downpour of rain begins to land on and around me. I spit another mouthful of blood onto the cobblestones before shaking my head and pushing myself up to standing.

The rain grows heavier by the second until I am completely drenched down to my underwear. The sound of thunder combined with the mass of rain, helps me to completely block out the crowd of people as the cheer and chant, all hoping that I will fail. Declyn is obviously a fan favourite in this arena.

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