Chapter 32

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We left Leif's secluded cabin no closer to finding Sabina. But something Leif said had us both thinking. Could we already hold enough power and strength through our bond to defeat Cail? Could i hold the strength we need to defeat him?

So many questions without answers swim around my mind and i know that Alex is wondering the same things. What sort of power does our bond hold and why would Leif think we would be able to defeat Cail alone? What is it about our bond that we dont know? What is it about me that we don't know?

We make our way back to Amelia's to plan our next move but as we step inside something feels amiss.

We head upstairs toward the loft but stop at the top of the stairs at the sight before us. There are at least thirty or so vampires all sitting around conversing with one another in a care free manner. What's even more alarming is that Etu and Amelia are among them.

Alex leads the way and begins approaching the crowd just as Amelia straightens from seeing us enter. At her rigid stance, all of the other vampires stand and proceed to clench their fist and hold it over their hearts in a sign of respect.

All eyes are on Alex as he takes in the sight before him. All of these vampires are here out of respect and it seems that they want to help our cause.

"These people got wind of what happened to you both and want to stand by you to defeat Cail. Everyone here is willing to lay their life down in order to stop that jerk." Amelia speaks with utmost pride in her fellow comrades. Her wounds and injuries have healed completely to the point where you would never guess what she went through less than a week ago.

"We are here to help in any way possible. Cail needs to be stopped once and for all." A blonde male vampire states before being followed by a few cheers and agreeing words.

"If anyone is going to be able to take down that ego maniac then it's you, Alex." A dark haired man with facial tattoos then interjects causing more cheers of agreement.

I feel Alex's heart swell at the sight of his gathered militia and i cant contain the pride i have for him in this moment. These people have come to aid him in our plight not only because they want Cail dead but because they believe in Alex.

With support like this, we will have a full army within weeks and Cail wont stand a chance.


Last night was amazing to say the least. We discovered just how many other vampires were willing to stand with Alex against Cail and we learnt that there are many more lying in wait.

To say that i was surprised at entering Amelia's club to a room full of loyal vampires is an understatement. I was even more surprised to learn that they all came of their own accord.

Etu told his blood supplier of what happened to Amelia and how Alex was there to help and the whole thing snowballed from there.

Whispers of Cail's malicious ways spread like wild fire until vampires that were close by began flocking to offer support. It seems that Alex and i were not the first to be scorned by Cails tyrany and if not stopped, we most certainly will not be the last.

I spoke with a few of our like minded comrades and heard some of their tales and felt instantly ill. Cail's imagination for pain knows no bounds as it was made abundantly clear.

Petyr, a dark haired vampire with a crooked nose, told me about how he turned his sister after she was attacked by vampires during the fall of the zones. He himself had only been a vampire for 2 years and found his little sister almost dead. He killed the vampire responsible and turned the young girl only to be called to Cail and met with hostility.

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