Chapter 19

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We enter the ballroom through large double doors that are held open for us and make our way toward the long dining table. It has been set for at least fifty patrons and most are either already seated or standing around the room conversing with each other.

Everyone stops to watch as Cail and i enter the room and some even bow their heads in respect as we pass them.

Cail directs me toward the table and pulls the chair out for me to the left of the main chair before he himself takes his seat at the head of the table.

I look around at the various faces as they all start to take their seats but I barely recognise any of them. That is until Keavy makes her way across the room and sits across from me on the other side of Cail. She looks just as shocked to see me as I am to see her.

My memory of her is so hazy but I distinctly remember saving her from some sort of danger with the help of another vampire. His face flashes in my mind but I can't think of his name. I strain to recall it but apart from Cail, everyone else seems hazy to me. Even Giselle.

Keavy smiles politely at me before leaning over to Cail and whispering in his ear. I know that if I block everything else out, I would able to hear what she is saying but I dare not eavesdrop on my maker. He is too important to anger right now.

The seat beside me is suddenly filled by a tall lanky man with short brown hair and piercing brown eyes as he focuses his entire attention toward me.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes. How are you coping with being a vampire Evette?" The man speaks to me as though I should know him well, but I can't place him. He gives off a familiar vibe but no memory of him exists in my new vampire mind.

"I'm doing fine. Cail is an excellent teacher." I say matter-of-factly.

"There's a sentence I never thought I would hear you say. And how is Alex taking all this then?"

I narrow my eyes to him in confusion but before I can even ask what he means, Cail steps in.

"What do you want Julius? Any questions for Evette can be directed to me." Cail's tone is harsh as he speaks down to the lanky man, Julius.

"Don't you want her to speak for herself anymore? She was quite fiery the last time I saw her. Seems as though someone has decided to extinguish those flames."

I don't know where I should set my eyes so I choose to direct them downward to my hands as I fiddle with the cuff like bracelet Cail gave to me.

"Watch your tongue, Julius or you'll find yourself out on the street begging for blood."

"I didn't realise that speaking the truth was such a punishable offence nowadays. But then again i suppose anything you dont agree with is a punishable offence. Isn'tit, Father?"

An audible growl erupts from Cail the split second that a hero steps in to take control of the situation.

"Now, now boys. Let's not make a scene in front of company." Giselle's voice sounds like an angel's sweet call as it breaks the tension that has begun to fill the air. "I do believe that is my seat, brother."

Julius looks from Giselle to Cail and then sets his sights for me.

"Enjoy your short lived time with the puppet master. He will grow bored soon enough and find himself a new toy to play with." Julius stands abruptly as he finishes and scraps his heavy wooden chair across the stone flooring, causing a silence to fall over the room.

He pushes past Giselle and makes his way to the other end of the table without another word.

Cail's hand finds my thigh to give it a small stroke. I return this gesture of concern with a brief smile and nothing more.

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