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That's what has been filling Cail's heart and mind ever since his brother fled with his two favourite proteges.

Betrayal and loss.

He could live with losing Giselle. She was a thing of beauty, of course, and he would miss her but he would not mourn her. She made her choice and now she will suffer along side his brother.

He could even get over the loss of his brother. He managed to mourn his sister and move on, so he would do it again with his brother. He didn't even mind that he would be truly alone after that. He will just find more proteges. More children to call his own.

He could even handle how his power seemed to take a hit from their sudden departure. Every vampire around him now seemed on edge, thinking that maybe Cail was losing it. Maybe he was on his last days being thier king and that someone stronger should replace him. They could try tp bring him down, but no one will be able to succeed. Not when vengeance is coursing through his veins.

He could live with all of that.

What he couldn't live with was losing her. Evie. The young girl that had come into his life as quickly as she left, leaving a giant void in her wake.

Cail thought back to her intoxicating scent and soft milky skin. She was by far one of the most beautiful women he had seen in his long life, but her body was nothing compared to her eyes. Those gorgeous emerald green eyes that reminded him so much of his own human wife all those centuries ago.

As much as he would never admit it, it was those eyes that made him want her so much. It started out as a small inkling towards her. Her firey nature posed as a challenge that he was dying to accept. But after watching her excel in the redemption trials, his small crush turned into something more. He began dreaming about her and couldnt shake her from his thoughts. He often visited her while she slept just so he could look upon her freely.

When it was clear that she would not give up on being with Alex, he decided to tip the scales in his favour. If she didnt remember his brother than surely she would be his.

But even when she was in his bed, she was never fully present. He could control what she said and did, but it wasn't fully her. She was a shell with no spark for life.

Once again, his brother possessed the one thing that he wanted and he wouldn't go through that again.

He was now picturing the green eyed beauty in all of her glory and he could feel himself harden at the thought. He had to have her again but this time, he would keep her and finally tame her. She would become his and remain by his side, no matter the cost.

And now he knew how. He had leverage against her that would ensure she became his once and for all. He had her only remaining family.

Thinking back to the phone call he placed only moments ago, he found a smile growing on his face. He knew that even though he gave his brother an ultimatum, that he would never follow through and kill the woman he was in love with. Alex would rather kill himself.

Cail would meet his brother and the green eyed beauty in their home village in Ireland and he will take what he wants. By force if necessary.

The girl will be mine, he thought to himself.

A soft knock pulls Cail's attention from the plans he is making as the door begins to slowly open. Soon, a young vampire, turned only weeks ago, emerges and bows before him, waiting for Cail's approval to approach.

Cail lazily waves his hand and begins to push himself from the edge of the bed where he sits. The same bed where he had his fill of Evie every chance he got. The perks of being a maker and able to control someone at will.

Zone Zero: Redemption (Book 2 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now