Chapter 18

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Water pours down on me from inside Cail's fully glass shower and it feels like heaven on earth. Each droplet of water hits a different section of my body and races down to the tiled floor before making its way down the drain.

I wash my hair just as Cail asked of me and let the water wash out the foamy bubbles.

I finally decide to turn the water off and step out of the shower to find a dry towel to wrap around myself. One hangs neatly on the towel rail attached to the wall and I quickly snatch it and wrap it around my torso.

I quickly dry my body and then wrap my hair up in the towel while I dress myself in the clothes that Cail has provided.

I slip into the strapless leopard print bra and matching underwear but before I can slide into the tight black dress waiting for me, Cail enters the bathroom.

I gasp at the sight of him and try to cover my body but he shakes his head no. I give off a half smile and begin to dry my hair as he stands leaning against the door frame in nothing but low hanging black track suit pants.

Silently, Cail makes his way up behind me and pulls me to him so that my back is against his chest. He wraps one arm around my stomach and with the other hand he holds my chin still and directs my gaze to the mirror in front of us.

"We make a good pair, you and I." he says as he plants small tiny kisses on my shoulder.

"Y-you think so?" I stutter.

"Don't you? Someone as gorgeous as you deserves to be on the arm of a king being treated like a queen at all times." His hands begin to gently roam my body as his nose runs gently runs the trail of skin from my shoulder to ny ear. "Tonight is just the begining, Treasure."

He continues his soft indulgent touch as his mention of tonight's festivities reminds me that i need to get ready.

"How am I supposed to get dressed for tonight if you won't stop touching me?" I try to add a touch of sarcasm to my voice but I may have failed.

"Why don't you get undressed and we can spend the rest of the night in bed." He adds, still planting soft kisses on my shoulder.

My lip begins to quiver at his proposal unsure of if it is a good idea or not.

"I thought you wanted me dressed and ready as quickly as possible?"

He stops mid kiss and meets my gaze in the mirror.

"Are you disobeying me?" his grip around my stomach tightens as he speaks.

"No, it's just..." I don't even get to finish my sentence before Cail moves his other hand down to my throat and begins slowly tightening the grip. "I'm sorry." I blurt out methodically.

"Good. Don't disobey me, Evette. Never disobey me." With those words he lets go of my body and walks out of the bathroom. Over his shoulder he speaks once more, "Finish getting ready."

I let out a large breath of air that I didn't know I was holding onto and continue drying my hair. I must'nt ever disobey ny maker.

The last week or so has gone by in such a blur that I barely remember a time before it. My mind feels constantly mumbled as I try to piece together why I am even here.

All I know is that Cail turned me into a vampire and has had me by his side ever since. He has not let me out of his sight for more than a minute and together we have barely left his room.

He sends for a different girl each night for us to feed on even though it breaks my heart to hurt these girls. He is teaching me to control my hunger and to not drain my victims dry but I do find it hard. The lust for blood consumes me sometimes.

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