Chapter 29

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Etu is careful to place Amelia softly upon the leather couch as Alex and i rush over.

Her face contorts into a grimace at each movement, proving that she is still alive.

"Amelia, it's ok. Im here now." Etu speaks softly as he rubs his large hand across her cheek. He is so gentle and loving toward her that it is evident there is more to them then meets the eye.

Amelia slowly opens her eyes, although it looks painful for her to do so, and stares up at Etu to give him a remnants of a smile.

"Etu, the sun in my darkness, i knew you would find me. You have never let me down before." Her voice is a strained whisper and if i was still human, i dont think i would have heard it.

"I will always find you Amelia and bring some light into your life. That's why you chose me, remember?" His voice cracks at the meaningfullness behind his loving words and i instantly feel like i am intruding on a private moment.

Maybe Alex and i should give them a few moments alone.

"Did i ever tell you about why i turned my little Etu here?" Amelia asks not really directing her question at anyone in particular.

"No Amelia, i dont believe you have." Alex returns gently before stepping closer and kneeling next to Etu to be at her side.

Her body has dried blood all over and some of her bones have been broken and almost reset in the wrong places. Her face gives away the amount of pain that she must be in. To put it plainly; she looks like hell.

"It was when America was still being formed and i decided to go and see the wild, wild west. I heard stories of savages that were native to the area so i sought out some and met a chieftain and his son. The chieftain knew i wasnt human just by looking into my eyes and he was scared of what i would do to his few surviving people. But the son, he wasn't frightened at all. He was intrigued."

Etu smiles down as Amelia recounts her tale with utmost pride and adoration. He has heard this story many times before.

"They took me back to the village to spend the daylight hours in safe refuge and i spoke with the son then entire time. He was named after the sun in the sky and although his eyes were dark like night, he held a light inside that made me want to be next to him. When night fell and i was ready to leave again, i asked him to come with me to travel the world. But he refused as he was next in line to be chief. He couldn't leave his people." Sorrow fills her face but her gaze doesn't waver from Etu's.

"As you can imagine, the other settlers were not as kind to the native people and within months, the tribe was all but gone. I heard about the misfortune that befell them and sought justice for the people that had let me stay with them even though they feared me. I killed every person that hurt a member of their tribe and found that some of them were still alive and being used as slaves and fighters for sport."

Etu shudders at Amelia's words and looks to the ground but as soon as she touches her hand softly to his face, his gaze meets hers again. His lips forming a small smile.

"He was there. The son of the sun. I slaughtered everyone inside that saloon and when i was done, i turned him into a vampire. We left that god forsaken land and never looked back. And he has been loyal to me and by my side ever since."

Etu kisses Amelia's bloody palm and begins stroking her face sweetly. They have clearly gone through a lot together and she means everything to him.

"But that's not why you are here, is it Alex?" Her gaze breaks away from Etu's and lands on Alex.

Alex is still kneeling at her side while i stand behind him watching on in silence.

Suddenly, her eyes flicker to me and a slight smile dances on her lips.

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