Chapter 31

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"How did you sleep?" Etu's voice rings through the air and it takes me a few moments to realise that his question is directed at me.

Alex and i spent most of the day drinking, talking and making love so not much sleep came to either of us. Not that we are complaining, of course.

"Fine, thank you. And you?"

I am seated at the breakfast bar in the kitchen with Alex to my right as Etu pours himself a cup of coffee and a cup of tea for Amelia. I want to ask how she is but don't want to pry so early.

"I didn't really sleep. I wanted to keep watch on Amelia and make sure her wounds were healing." Etu answers nonchalantly.

A brief moment of embarrassment crosses my mind at the thought that Etu may have heard Alex and i last night. Alex lips twitch upward at my train of thought as he finds my embarrassment amusing. Thankfully Etu doesnt notice any of this.

"How is she doing?" Alex asks breaking my moment of overworked worry.

"She had a rough night but she said that the pain has dulled down considerably."

Alex nods in approval and i feel relief wash through me.

"She said that she wants to speak with you. She has an idea to be free of Cail."

My ears prick up at Etu's words and i am quick to set my eyes to Alex to gage his reaction. He isnt as surprised as i am but then again, he has been thinking all night about a plan so of course Amelia would be as well.

We all make our way upstairs and into the bedroom where Amelia is lying, propped up by several large silk pillows. She looks pale and sickly but no where near as bad as yesterday when we found her.

All traces of dried blood have been washed away and her hair has been neatly brushed into its normal sleek bob.

At the sound of our footsteps entering the room, Amelia's eyes spring open amd a soft smile fills her face. This has been the most i have ever seen Amelia smile.

"I have an idea on how you can defeat Cail." She cuts right to the chase and we all stand waiting with baited breath.

"Find Sabina. You need her help on this one. Cail has the numbers but if you have her, then he wont stand a chance."

A face flashes through Alex's mind and i almost gasp at the beauty behind it. It is a woman's face and she is absolutely stunning. She has long dark golden brown hair and golden eyes. Her lips are plump and red and her lashes are long and dark. She is a beautiful being but is unknown to me, but not to Alex. He knows this woman but was hoping not to ever see her again.


Alex has spent the last two hours with his phone glued to his ear. He has been calling every source that he can trust to locate the golden haired Sabina.

Once Amelia suggested to locate her, Alex didnt say a word. He didnt agree nor disagree and instead, left Etu and myself with Amelia and began making phone calls.

I myself have been sitting on the couch watching and waiting for him to speak to me, but he only looks at the ground as he paces.

I keep listening in on him and it is clear that he is unsure of if this woman is even still alive. Even the people he is speaking with can't answer him for certain. Whoever this woman is, it is pretty clear that she doesnt want to be found.

He ends yet another call and begins to dial once more. I raise my eyebrow at his actions but he doesnt even notice.

The person on the other end of the phone answers abruptly and the same line of questioning begins.

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