Chapter 17

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The sun is not far from rising as the sky begins to lighten and abolish the darkness. Most of the vampires in the castle should be heading inside for some sort of rest but I am ready to make the most of the day.

I slide the wardrobe aside and open the door only enough so that I can see if anyone is coming down the hall and slowly step out. I close the door behind me and feel someone watching me straight away. Even without checking I already know who it is; Cail.

"Good morning Evette."

I say nothing but instead shoot him a scornful look. He takes this and returns to me his trademarked devilish smile.

"Glad to see you out and about." He says as he crosses the distance between us. "Was your previous room not to your liking?"

His hands are slotted into the pockets of his dark blue suit pants while his suit jacket remains open to reveal his pressed white shirt. The top few buttons on his shirt are open and his tie has been loosened right down to his chest. His hair is a mess and he looks as though he is coming home from a large night of partying.

I try not to dwell on his looks and instead make my distaste for him known once more.

"I wanted to be with Alex but since you are an egotistical dictator that is holding him prisoner, this is the closest I get to the real thing." I pull my black cardigan closed over one of Alex's fitted t-shirts that i decided to borrow and cross my arms to prove my point.

Cail continues to walk toward me grinning, but instead of stopping, he continues on past me, walking further down the corridor.

Just as I think I will get no remark from him, his smug voice sounds throughout the hallway.

"You know, if you want to get technical, I am actually the closest thing to Alex that you will get right now and my door is always open."

My jaw literally falls to the fall in shock but before I can think of a good rebuttal, he is gone from sight and the sound of solid wooden doors closing can be heard.


I shake off my brush with Cail and make my way to Alex in record time. I even manage not to be seen doing so and mentally give myself a pat on the back for my efforts.

Alex stands to greet me as I enter the room but I can sense right away that he is exhausted both mentally and physically.

"Hi." I smile sincerely to him.

"Hey, how are you doing today?"

"I'm fine. You shouldn't worry about me. Not right now."

I make my way as close to the fence as I physically can and give Alex my sincerest of smiles. He doesn't need to know how much it is killing me to see him like this or what is really going on in my head.

"Worrying about you and looking out for you became my full time job the moment I realised I was in love with you. And nothing has changed on this end."

His heartfelt grin sends a wave of emotion through me and for some reason I find it hard to decipher. I want to say that it is love or admiration but it feels different somehow.

Before I know it, moments have gone past without me responding or even acknowledging Alex's words and I am only brought back to the here and now when he speaks again.

"What are you thinking?"

"That I love you." I say as quickly as I can to cover up my real thoughts.

I need to tell him. I should tell him but i am so confused with what it is that i should say.

"You're lying. What's going on?" All of the laughter and joy drains from his voice and I instantly regret trying to pass a lie as the truth.

Zone Zero: Redemption (Book 2 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now