Chapter 28

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A/N - Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for the congratulations and well wishes as well as being patient!

So without teasing you anymore, here is the next chapter!!!!

Enjoy!!!! 😄😄

I choose to stay silent almost the entire drive but I can still feel the worry seeping from Alex's mind. He wants to be able to help me in any way possible but aside from following my vague instructions, he has no idea how to.  So instead he chooses to drive in silence as well letting his thoughts stray to me from time to time.

I on the other hand and being a blank canvas. I choose not to think about anything in particular and stare intently out of the window. This is how i have already passed countless hours and will continue to do so thus way until we reach our destination.

We flew into the outskirts of Russia and got Franco and the surviving children to the boundaries of Zone Two without being detected before erasing their minds of us completely. I knew it would be worse for them if they had any recollection of us helping them, especially if someone by the likes of Max got wind of it. Just a mention of my name could have the lot of them in danger.

It hurt to think that i will never see any of their faces again but i decided not to dwell on it. Hopefully Franco will find a nice girl to love and cherish and then start a family of his own because i know that's what he wants. I just couldn't give it to him.

After leaving them in safe hands, we found a four-wheel drive SUV in good condition and began our drive to our next destination; Amelia's nightclub.

I have a gut feeling that Amelia may have some answers for us on how Cail came to know about the commune of humans in Malta and Alex agreed that it is definitely a good start to press her for information. Although a large part of me wants to be wrong and give Amelia the benefit of the doubt, I cant shake the feeling that her being Alex's adopted protégé would put her in the sights of Cail when information is needed.

We round the corner into the street where the old warehouse style club stands and instead of seeing crowds of people filing in and out like we expect to, we see no one. It doesn't even look like there are any lights on within the entire building.

Alex pulls up right at the entrance and we both make our way inside on high alert. Something about this scene doesn't feel right to either of us.

When we enter in the foyer, the bad feeling in my stomach intensifies as no music can be heard whatsoever. There are no vibrations are crawling through me and no one standing around in here either.

I take an unsteady breath as Alex pulls back the velvet curtains and we both step into what should be a crowded dance floor but for some reason there is nothing but space. Instead of dancing and gyrating bodies we are met with silence and strewn about furniture. It looks like no one has been here for days and the last people that were, didnt exactly clean up after themselves.

A rush of worry slides throughout me and I am quick to gage Alex's reaction to the scene ahead of us. The same amount of apprehension is looming on his face as it drips off his shoulders. He is thinking about Amelia and where she could be. He thinks that she must be dead. For some reason, i can't disagree with him.

I place my hand on his shoulder so that his attention is drawn to me and as soon as our eyes meet, I give him a soft smile. One that says we will get through this and find Amelia together. He nods to my silent vote of confidence and we venture further into the club.

After checking the entire downstairs section of the club, we make our way upstairs to where the more private areas are located. Alex heads for the row of booths while i head for Amelia's office.

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