Chapter 24

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I awake with Alex's arms wrapped firmly around my waist as he snuggles into my back spooning me. The smile on my face grows at the warmth of his embrace and continues to grow as memories of last night flood my mind.

We slept together. We laid in each other's arms and slept the night, and most of the morning, away in complete bliss.

After hearing Alex's proclamation of endless love for me we found ourselves wrapped in each other and drifting off in a peaceful sleep. No amount of sexual activity was even needed for us to feel intimate and bonded together.

This must be what heaven feels like.

I begin stroking Alex's arm as he nuzzles closer into me. He is on the verge of waking up so I turn in his arms to face him front on.

"Hi." I whisper to him.

"Hey. What time is it?"

"I'd say it's around noon by the look of it." I say after taking a glance toward the window.

"Good. Let's stay in bed together all day. I think we have a lot of catching up to do."

He pulls me in tighter to him so that I am pressed against him entirely. I smile as I feel the hardness of him against my thigh and am quick to reposition myself to get closer to him again.

He runs his hand down my back and onto my thigh before letting it find its way to my entrance. He wastes no time and begins stroking skilfully as he gently litters by neck with kisses.

I find myself already struggling to stay in control when I decide that it is my turn this time.

As quickly as I can, I raise his arms to his head and straddle his waist, strategically sitting just above his manhood. If I move even a centimetre he will be pressed against me.

A look of surprise and intrigue fills his eyes as I give off a cheeky grin and plant a soft kiss on his lips. Then I sit up, still hovering above him and begin my tease.

I slowly press against him and let my fingers lightly brush up and down his abdomen while I lay gentle kisses on his chest. Just when I feel him grow even larger I rise up again to repeat the process.

Alex begins to wiggle under me in order to position himself more strategically but I shake my head and give off another mischievous grin.

His smile grows as I continue to plant more and more kisses all over his body before using my teeth to graze the skins surface.

I continue my torturous grinding and can't help but giggle as the sight of sexual frustration grows on Alex's face. He has definitely never been on the receiving end of prolonged sexual gratification.

My small chuckle causes Alex to spring into action as he rolls me over to my back and pins me beneath him.

"You are a little tease, aren't you?" He mutters with his mouth hard against mine.

I smile against his lips and kiss him back harder before he pulls away.

"What are you going to do about it?"

He narrows his eyes at my question and without warning fills me entirely with one mighty thrust. I throw my head back into the pillows at the sensation and bit my bottom lip without realising.

He presses into me deeper and deeper with a slow a purposeful motion before bringing his face to my ear.

"I'm going to make you scream my name, that's what."

Suddenly his movements grow faster and more precise as each one sends wave after wave of electricity flowing through my body. I feel myself begin to build as I dig my nails deeper into his back. His lips turn upwards at the feeling as he begins to slow his movement down causing my build up to plateau in an aching mess.

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