Chapter 14

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The soft white organza that drapes above me begins to come into focus as my eyelids flutter away the darkness. I take in the paleness as it contrasts heavily against the mahogany that it hangs from. My eyes follow the rich timber posts downward as I come to realise just where I am. I am lying in the same canopy bed that I have called my own since I was brought to see Cail.

I jolt upward and feel the room spin out of control as a familiar voice sounds in the darkness.

"Relax Evie. Just take a deep breath. The head spins will stop in a couple of minutes."

I search for a face in darkness and am met with the soft features and genuine smile of Giselle as she sits by my bed. Concern fills her face and I can't help but feel that her concern is directed at me.

I take a few steady breaths in and close my eyes to my surroundings. Within moments the room steadies and I begin to feel at ease, just as Giselle predicted.

I open my eyes again and search the room for the reason that I am here but all I see are the same familar surroundings. The fireplace flickers with the last few remnants of a flame as darkness encases the rest of the room.

I comb my mind for an explanation as to how I even got here but the last thing I can remember is seeing Alex's face as I lay writhing in pain from Cail's hand.

"What happened? How did I get here?"

At the sound of my voice Giselle stands and lets out a small sigh. She then turns her attention to the bedside table that holds a large coffee cup filled with a darkened liquid. She hands the cup to me as I crease my brows at the unknown contents.

"Drink it. It will make you feel better."

I bring the cup to my nose and first take a small sniff and feel a thirst grow inside me. My throat dries instantly and mouth becomes parched so I press the ceramic to my lips and begin to gulp down the thick liquid, barely even tasting it.

I drain the cup dry and hand Giselle the empty mug as a half-smile reaches across her face.

I feel a drop of the drink run slowly down my chin and I am quick to wipe it away with my fingers. But as I do, I notice that the colour of the drink is a deep red as I spread it through my fingertips. I think for a moment before my eyes widen at my discovery.

"Was that blood? Did I just drink blood?" I turn to Giselle and desperately hunt her features for a definitive answer. What did she give me?

Giselle takes in a deep breath and takes the courtesy to look me in the eyes before answering.

"Yes. You will need to drink blood to survive now." Her voice is soft and it sends a shiver throughout my body. She can't be serious.

"Why? What happened to me?" I beg for an answer as my bottom lip quivers.

"Evie, Cail killed you," she pauses quietly as I hold my breath in shock, "and turned you into a vampire. You're not human anymore."


The light that filters through the stained glass window casts its shadow across the stone floor as I sit inches away from its touch. I have been sitting idly by the light as it has grown larger across the floor and have been too scared to move.

This is all a big mistake. Giselle is mistaken. I am not a vampire. All I need to do to prove it to myself is reach my hand into the sun's rays and show that the light doesn't have any effect on me. Piece of cake.

So why can't I bring myself to do it then?

I run my fingers through my hair and lift my right hand slowly. I need to know for sure.

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