Chapter 8

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Giselle, the beautiful woman who first took me to see Cail, leads me down a long stone hall. I keep two steps behind her and search every inch of the hall for a means of escape but come up empty handed. Even if I manage to give Giselle the slip, I have no way of navigating within the castle walls. For all I know there could be ten vampires behind every corner.

I sigh silently to myself and keep up to Giselle's pace as she leads me to the unknown. I try not to think about what is about to happen but the fear of not knowing is worse than anything I could have imagined. Each footstep leads me closer into the unknown and further away from Alex.

I smother a tear before it forms at the thought of Alex. Will he know where to look to find me? Will he fight to keep me safe? Is he even safe himself?

So many unanswered questions and none that I can give a thought to right now. I must be prepared for anything and try my best to save myself. I can't expect Alex to ride in on a white stallion and whisk me away like some sort of fairy tale. This world is far from a fairy tale realm.

Giselle leads me down into the dungeon and the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention. This can't be a good thing.

We begin to walk toward a row of people all with their backs to us as they stand shoulder to shoulder along a wrought iron gate. All are large in size and could pass for some sort of security.

At the sound of Giselle's heels clipping on the stone below, they begin to part amongst themselves and stare toward me. They are both sizing me up and looking on in pity as I walk closer toward them.

"Is she up yet?" Giselle asks the men in front before stopping in the gap that they created, leaving me a few feet behind her.

The cheering grows louder as the ground almost rumbles beneath my feet.

One man swears under his breath and begins to storm off past me and back the way that I just came as another bellows with laughter. I can only guess that whatever they were watching is the cause for both reactions.

"She's up next." A tall and burly woman responds to Giselle's earlier question without even looking at her.

I bite my lip to stop it from quivering as the gates begin to open in front of the group.

Giselle turns to me and gives off a radiant smile. "This is us."

She takes off through the gates as one of the burly bunch push me toward her and slam the gates behind.

I look up in complete terror as I stand in the courtyard once more but this time there is a large circle of vampires that stand at every possible opening, window and staircase. Hundreds of them clam together as they cheer and whistle at the gorgeous Giselle in all of her beauty.

I stumble slowly dragging my feet, unable to comprehend what I am even doing amongst the chaos that I find myself in.

Giselle comes to stop at dead centre of the courtyard and motions for me to stand by her side. I do so slowly taking in every inch of the crowd as they cheer on with excitement.

The sun is setting behind the mass of clouds that cover it and I so desperately want to switch places with the sun right now. To hide away from everyone and let the moon take my place. If only.

Another belt of excitement erupts throughout the crowd as Giselle motions for someone else to stand by her opposite side. I follow her arm as she beckons forward a young girl that looks no older than 16. She is shackled in silver chains around her wrists and looks as though she hasn't seen sunlight in years. Her pale complexion contrasts against her shoulder length chocolate hair as it hangs stringy across her face.

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