Chapter 26

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The rest of the night is spent testing our bond and trying to decipher what we can really do now that I am a vampire.

We try different exercises like thinking of a number while the other tries to guess. The harder we try and really focus in on each other, the more questions we get right. It is true. Our bond is back.

It doesn't feel as strong as it once did and I don't think we will be able to fully communicate through it like before but it is there in a different way. It feels almost deeper, in a sense that we are on the same wave length. We are attuned to each other and can feel what the other feels.  Sense what the other senses.

After hours of trialling and testing our bond in the lounge room by the roaring wood fire, Alex finally gets up and heads to the kitchen. I already know that he is going to retrieve some blood for the two of us so we can keep going but I am done with our tests for now. I am ready for something else.

I quietly and quickly slip out of my dress but keep my black lace underwear and black high heels on and move to lie down in front of the flickering fire.

"What if we try...?" Alex's voice trails off as he enters the room holding two wine glasses and a smile grows on his face as his eyes engulf me fully.

"Or we could just skip all of that for now." I slowly sit up on my knees and wait for him to come to me.

He does not disappoint as he slides his jacket and tie off and meets me on the floor. I set to work on his buttons as soon as he is in arms reach while his hands glide up my body from my thighs up to my breasts. They linger there a moment before moving further upwards and settling on my neck.

Without another word, his mouth is on mine as the dull ache in my core begins to awaken. He shrugs his shirt off and kneels before me, as I do the same, slipping my hands into his pants to drag them down his thighs.

His own hands have found their way to my back side as it caresses it softly before hooking into my underwear and forcing them down.

Before I know it, we have moved position and he is atop of me guiding himself inside me with a single plunge. I scream out silently as the sensation hits my core sending yearning coursing through my being.

I wrap my legs tightly around his waist as he pushes deeper into me, kissing my neck as he goes. The very touch of his lips ignites my skin and I feel the ecstasy in myself begin to build.

Within mere seconds I am on the precipice of euphoria waiting for one more nudge to send me spiralling down. Alex gives me that final push and I spiral out of control with his name on my lips.

As soon as I come down from my high he sits us up so that I am sitting in his lap. Our skin is pressed firmly together and I have the best view of his eyes from here. Not just into his eyes, but into his soul.

We move like this slowly but as my name touches his lips I begin to build once more. Just the sound of his voice in this moment is enough to spike my breathing.

"You're mine," he whispers, "and I'm yours."

My vision grows hazy and I shut my eyes as I climb once more. Ever higher and higher, that is how it is with Alex. Always higher and always more intense. But always perfect.

He plants a soft kiss against my ear before nibbling the lobe and I feel my body twitch under his lips indulgent touch.

"Forever Evie. You and me, forever."

I throw my head back in victory and scream his name so that the heavens can hear. He is my God, my one true saviour at this moment and I want all to know. Alex is King among men and I am his Queen. There will only ever be Alex for me. Forever. Just like he said.

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