Chapter 13

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"Are you shocked, Evette? To learn that Alex is my brother?" Cail's voice sounds in the darkness and I feel my heart sink. He is not someone I want to see at this moment.

"I'm surprised it didn't come up in conversation sooner. What else are you keeping from her Aodhan?"

Alex tenses around me once more and I turn my attention toward him.

"Aodhan?" What does the word even mean? What else is he keeping from me?

"Really little brother? You haven't even told her your real name?" Cail shakes his head and continues to step forward and stops just a meter from me.

A shocked look reaches across my face as I narrow my eyes toward Alex. Or Aodhan. Whoever he is.

Alex's gaze softens toward me and he dons a regretful expression.

"Is he telling the truth?" I ask softly lower than a whisper.

"Yes. My real name is Aodhan but I haven't gone by that name in centuries. I changed it to Alexi when i first moved to Russia and now I have been Alex for so long that not many people even know i had a different name." His eyes are soft and pleading and I immediately feel myself forgive him. We have to stick together in this. We can't fall apart if we want to leave this place in one piece.

I nod at him silently but i know that deep down i want to know more. When we are away from this place and alone once more i will ask again but for now, that explanation will do.

I turn to face Cail and begin to pull myself up to standing. Alex helps me through the bars and holds my waist steady as i face Cail.

"I won my three matches. I believe that means I won my freedom." I say matter-of-factly.

"That was our arrangement." Cail slides his hands into his suit pants pockets and locks eyes with me.

"I want Alex's freedom as well. I'm not leaving without him." I drain every ounce of courage from my body and instil it into my words.

A small smile creeps at Cail's mouth and he cocks his head slightly to the side.

"That wasn't our arrangement."

"It is now! I won't leave here without him." I assert myself and show that I too, am a force to be reckoned with. I won't back down, not when it comes to Alex.

"Alex will be able to leave once his punishment is over." Cail gives off his devilish smile but I don't return the favour.

With Alex in my corner I feel a surge of valour and step towards Cail.

"Enough with the punishment. We did nothing wrong." I say with a raised voice.

I half expect Cail to laugh in my face or to smile larger but he barely even flinches at my words.

"What else could you possibly do to us anyway? We have paid whatever debt we had to you tenfold. Enough is enough."

Again no response from Cail. Although this time he takes a step backwards and turns to look toward a wall instead of at me.

"Cailen, what's this really about? What have you got planned?" Alex's voice sounds from behind me and I can't help but inch closer to Cail. With both Alex and I pressing him for answers maybe he will crack and explain everything.

"Oh little brother, if I told you everything it wouldn't be much of a surprise then would it."

I narrow my eyes to Cail and hobble closer toward him. I need him to look me in the eyes and tell me the truth. I need to know what he has planned for Alex.

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