Slenderman: When he finds you

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(WARNING! Contains swearing, triggering topics, ands bit of gore)
(Btw! Characters might/will be Ooc!)
~His POV~
I was wandering throughout the woods to get away from all the stress. Toby has been a pain in the *Insert bad word* I swear if he bugs me about random stuff one more time!!!!!! I just NEED time alone. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard...screaming? I looked at where it was coming from and all I could see was...a woman being stabbed to death by a man, the man was unkept and honestly quite creepy. there was a basket next to the woman. The man got up and went for the basket and laughed. Yep, as I guessed, probably a sociopath. I knew what was in it so I teleported behind the man and stabbed him with my tendrils. The man dropped to the ground dead. "Foolish Mortal..." I picked up the basket I guessed it, a little baby girl/boy rested inside the basket. She/He looked so peaceful and calm. She/He had a bunch of fuzzy (hair color) hair atop her/his head. "I can't leave you here...I guess I'll take you with me..(Y/N))......yeah (Y/N) sounds perfect for you" I quietly said. She/He slowly opened her/his eyes, she/he had one (Eye color) eye and the other was a pale watery grey. She/He's a special child. I see potential inside his mind, potential normal mortals could never comprehend. I was overcome by my soft side and decided I had to keep her/him. I slowly started to walk back to the mansion

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