When your babysat- Ben Drowned

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Ben had to go somewhere, probably out to kill. So he had to leave you with someone. He couldn't think of anybody, so he left you with EJ. EJ owed him a favor anyway, so why not ask him to babysit? With a kiss goodbye from your dada, some tips for EJ on how to take care of you, and making sure he won't steal your little kidneys, you dad had gone killing. So now here you were, in the floor across from EJ, with him reading a book to you. You just silently looked around while sucking on your pacifier, while he read to you about the human body.
"The left tendon will pop from the socket, making the victim unable to run without stumbling" he went on and on while you were more focused on the laundry basket Jane sat down beside the entrance to the kitchen. While EJ wasn't looki-....well he couldn't really see any way- MOVING ON- you went into your crawling position and went for the basket.

EJ didn't notice, he only read more words. As you crawled your way to the basket you notice the shiny bag that was there. That intrigued you, the shiny color only more interested. As you reached the basket, you used the handle to shakily stand up. The bag was an orange and white color, and it was swirly. You were a baby, of course you'd be interested in that shiz. The bag was slightly open, and it smelled like flowers. You went to grab whatever the little squishy square that was inside of it, but you were picked up.
"No eating tide pods (Y/N)" EJ said blankly, you blinked, then teared up, because why? Your a baby and you cry. He pats your back and gives you your pacifier, then takes you away from said tide pods.

That crawl made you tired and cranky, so EJ put you downing the couch for a
nap. He thought it was the most adorable thing ever to see your little sleeping figure, cuddling a blanket with your little blue pacifier in your mouth. So obviously he took a picture (probably with a Polaroid :3) and hung it on the mantle place labeled '(Y/N)'s little couch nap'. Nobody would complain about the picture because everyone adored you, and your fuzzy little hair, and your tiny elf ears.

You were awake by the time your dad got back, and when he walked in you babbled loudly at him and demanded (not literally) to be picked up. So he thanked EJ for watching you and took you in the kitchen. Where he saw Jeff cleaning his knife. Before Ben spoke Jeff interrupted.
"You know your kid almost ate a tide pod because EJ wasn't watching her/him right?" At that sentence Ben just put you in a high chair, gave you some banana puffs and went to go murder EJ :).

(I wrote this late last night don't judge lol)

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