When he brings you home: Slender

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Slender waltzed into his Manor with care of the precious baby girl/boy in his arms, wishing to smile at him. The other Creepypasta took notice of his presence and turned to him, Jeff spoke up as he sat on his knees "Woahhhhh Slender who did you knock up?!" He exclaimed, making Slender sigh "Jeffrey I found this child, now I recommend you get off my couch with muddy pants" he told him. Jeff nodded in a 'Who-cares' manor and dashed derpily upstairs towards his room. Slender thought 'good child' to him and turned towards the others. "Children this is (Y/N), Who I have adopted as my daughter/son, touch her/him you die" he told them swiftly, making the room chilling. Some replied with a nod or a quiet 'ok'. "Good" was the last thing they heard before he disappeared upstairs. With a close of his door the sound of a rowdy household was gone. Slender sighed and looked down at the child in his arms. "Your going to knock their socks off (Y/N) they'll soon learn to love your adorable face to death" he mumbled softly. He softly stroked the little ones head in a calming motion, making the child give a toothless smile. "Hehe....your to adorable" he mumbled, you gave a cute little baby gurgle and yawned "Are you sleepy?" Slender asked her/him, knowing the answer already and stood up once more. He made his way to the black bed that was in the corner (no one knows why it's there, no one believes that slender sleeps) and placed the Now sleeping girl/boy on the pillow and covered him up with the blanket that was in his basket. Slender stood straight up after that action and chuckled
"Sleep well my little (Y/N)"

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