Eyeless Jack: when he finds you

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Eyeless jack
~his POV~
"Food glorious Food~ kidneys glorious Kidneys!~" I sang as I munched on a kidney. It was around 1 am and I was Looking through an abandoned hospital. I was about to take another bite of my kidney but it wasn't there?!?! I frantically looked around to see if I had dropped it. I felt someone poke my leg. I turned around to see a little girl/boy around, 3-4, holding the stolen kidney. She/He looked at it then handed it to me.
  "You dropped it" they said quietly. "Thanks little one" I said as I crouched down. She/He shyly waved and smiled, putting their hands behind their back. "H-Hello" she/he quietly said. I mentally 'Awed' at his adorableness. Wait, she's/he's in an abandoned hospital, all alone, what's she/he doing here?
  "Hey kid erm...what are ya doing here?" I asked. She/He mumbles something under her/his breath and holds up her/his hand. I'm guessing they wanted to hold my hand, so I place my hand in hers/his. She/He Just Walks me down the hall and talks.
  "Mommy and Daddy were worried about me" they began, precisely placing her/his feet in between the lines of the tiles. I nodded for her/him to continue. "I don't know why, they just brought me here, the doctor said I needed to stay here-" she/he jumps over a broken tile. "-and said I was supposed to be fun, not precise. They said I was always trying to obsess and was always freaking out " I get it now, due to her/his movements. to me she/he seems to be OCD. I look down at her/him. I think for a moment. Should I bring her/him home? Will I be allowed? I want to care for this child.
  "Wanna come to my place? You'll be safe there" I explain, they stop to look at their feet. Then nod. I pick them up and began to head out. As we were walking out I look to him.
  "What's your name?" I ask, they look up to me and without hesitation say.
  "I'm (Y/N)"

(DISCONTINUED)Creepypasta parent scenarios Where stories live. Discover now