Jeff The Killer: When he finds you

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Jeff the Killer
~His POV~
I was walking around the woods not giving a flying F*ck about what was out here. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard crying? Not like a baby crying or anything like, the cries of a kid. I began searching around to see what was there. I finally came across a little girl/boy, (around 3-4) crying. She/He had bruises and cuts all over her/his arms, legs, and face. I was curious so I asked "Why ya crying kid?" The kid looked up at me, she/he didn't run, scream, or cry she/he just looked at me, not in a judging way either. She/He had slightly puffy and dull (eye color) eyes. Her/his teeth were chattering from the late November cold. She/he took a deep breath. "M-My d-daddy hurt me..." she/he answered. "Why did he hurt you?" I asked while sitting next to her/him. "H-He didn't like me, h-he said I looked to much like mommy" she/he said while drying their tears. "Why Is that why he hurt you?" I asked curiously. "Mommy left, and daddy was sad" she/he stated. I nodded. The they moved their (Hair color) bangs from her/his face, good hair for a 4 year old. "I-I'm (Y/N) what's y-your name m-mister" she/he asked. "I'm Jeff but.....wanna come..stay with me?" I asked. I mentally slapped myself, Slender was going to kill me. "-Really?...." she/he asked. I nodded and picked her/him up. "Plus we gotta patch you up kid" I said. She/He nodded and started falling asleep while I was walking to the mansion. I softly chuckled. She's/He's adorable! I wonder what Slendy will say, no matter what he says I'm keeping her/him.

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