Memories we shall remember forever- Slenderman

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You were sitting on your play mat, with your dad laying in front of you propped up on his elbows. You were currently smacking a block with another block. Your dad was just watching you, if he could smile his face would hurt so much. Because right here you are, happy, giggling, and plainly being the adorable baby girl/boy are. You soon got hungry so you clapped your hands, ordering your father to get you food XD. He picked you up and took you to the kitchen. He sat you in a high chair while he went to get you some baby food. You mumbled some random baby language as you looked at everyone around you. EJ was at the other end precisely cutting up some organs, Jeff was two seats away twiddling his knife, and Ben was across from Jeff, and then there was you plopped into your grey and baby blue high chair.

Slender then came over with what looked to be turkey and gravy flavored baby food, you never liked that kind but were always kind of forced to eat it. Slender sat down on your right side and tried to place the mush covered spoon in your mouth. You turned your head, you didn't wanna eat that junk! You wanted peaches *-* and cream! Peaches and cream -3-. Slender sighed.
"(Y/N), you must eat" he stated, placing the spoon to your mouth once again. You pushed it away with your small baby hands and pouted. "(Y/N) please eat it" he sighed, then put the baby food container down. Jeff chuckled from his seat, making slender look towards him. "What is it Jeffery?" Slender asked, Jeff got up and went over to you two. He bent down to where you were and asked.
"(M/N) do you like the baby food?" He asked, picking up the small spoon and holding it up to you. (Blegh) with all of the strength your small baby lungs could muster, you breathed in slightly.

"No!" You yelped, smacking the spoon from his hands. The room went dead silent.
"W-What was that (Y/N)?" Slender asked, which you responded with.
"No!!" Ben had actually set his game down to listen to your little funny yelps.
"Well the kid finally spoke!" Jeff exclaimed, ruffling your small head of hair and sitting back down. Slender was still flabbergasted of the fact that his smol child. Actually. Flipping. Spoke.
"No no no no no no no no-" you kept repeating, slapping your hands on the tray. Slender snapped out of his daze and picked you up excitedly.
"My little girl/boy!!! You just spoke!!!" He exclaimed, spinning you around. You still mumbling 'nononono-" over and over. He looked to everyone in the kitchen. "Did you hear her/him?! She/He spoke!!!!" He took you into the living room. "My little girl/boy spoke!!!!!" He exclaimed, bragging to everyone.
"What did she/he say?" Jane asked from her place on the couch. He lifted you up and you yelled.
"No!!!" Jane nodded in response, kind of impressed. Slender took you around the mansion all day, letting the pastas ask him stuff, and letting you say no to all of them 🙃.

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