You call him dad~JTK

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"Just eat the peas" The cut-smiled killer said dryly. The child in front of him shook his/her head, and pushed the plate away. Jeff sighs. "kid. Please" he says. (Y/N) refuses once more, crossing their arms as a response. Recently the child had been refusing to eat their food. This really frustrated the cut-smiled murderer. He wasn't experienced with children much, but he knew you had to eat.
     Jeff eventually gets frustrated with the child, and stands up to leave. "fine, if you don't wanna listen, I'll just go" he exits the kitchen. (Y/N) looks down and slides off the chair. Pitter pattering to the kitchen door, trying to catch up with him.
     He/She soon catches up to him, tugging on his hoodie quietly. Jeff stops and looks down at the child, noticing their pitiful puppy eyes.
     "C'mon kid, don't do the puppy eyes...." He mutters. (Y/N) quivers her/his lips, reaching her/his arms up. Jeff inwardly sighs, reaching down and picking the child up. She/He smiles as their cuteness was a success. Jeff starts walking up the steps, the small child placing their head on his shoulder halfway up.
     "You know, kid, you can't just not eat, that's bad for you" Jeff says in a stern yet reassuring voice. (Y/N) nods and lifts her/his head up slightly. Looking away with a slight frown.
    She/He mumbles incoherently, making Jeff turn his head towards them. "What did you say, kid?" He asks. (Y/N) speaks up slightly, in the most adorable, sensitive voice.
     "I'm sorry, dad"
    Jeff stops walking. Turning to look at the child. Being called 'Dad' sure had been weird, but it felt so...nice. he freezes, not knowing what to say.
     He soon shakes his head, reaching up to ruffle the child's hair.
     "Don't be sorry, it's okay"
Maybe having this kid around might not be so troubling.


sorry for the lack of updates, I'm literally starting my first day of highschool on August 7th, and I'm stressing really bad, but that's okay. I promise updates will be more common, soon.

Anyways, I love you guys, give someone a hug.
Have a great day/night/evening or whatever it is from wherever you are in the world.


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