When your babysat- Laughing Jack

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  Blah blah blah, LJ had to go out somewhere, blah blah blah he had to leave you with someone, blah. So uh, he left you with Candy Pop. Kind of a mistake in most people's opinion, but what could go wrong?! A lot my friend, a lot. So right now he was sharpening some knives while you were playing on his bed. He really wasn't paying attention so you pushed his now clean and sharpened knife onto the floor. He looked to you and picked up the sharp object, then set it on his dresser. You mentally did a baby sigh and crawled to the edge of his bed, and slid onto the floor. Crawling your way to freedom. You were almost to the door when you were picked up.

You look up to see Jason(the toy maker😂). You blink slightly, while he chuckled silently.
  "Well Little Bug, your babysitter isn't looking after you that well" he said, walking from said babysitters room. "You hungry?" He asked, you just babbled in response. He took that as a yes and took you to the kitchen. He placed you in your small high chair and gave you some banana slices. You giggled and ate the banana slices. "Your so cuteeee" He awed at you, ruffling your small head of hair. You just laugh and eat your b a n a n a s
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. He played with you, put you down for a little nap, and played with you some more. Mainly he just became your favorite babysitter, because Candy Pop paid you no mind😂 so when your dad got home Jason explained that Candy wasn't watching you, and that he watched you instead. LJ understood, but went to go kill Candy Pop :).

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