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This isn't an update, and I'm sorry.

This week, me and my friends were harassed, assaulted, and mistreated.

On Wednesday around 12 o'clock, we held a birthday party for a friend. She had recently came out, and she got a lesbian flag. She wanted to walk around, and we pulled out a homosexual flag. We walked through campus & said nothing. We were laughing & having fun.

There were hoards of people, ready to attack us. They shouted & called us 'queers' and 'faggots'. Everyone took pictures & recorded us. We went to go back inside & someone threw something at us, which started ruckus.

The rest of the day, people took pictures, and harassed us. One of my friends was kicked in the leg, because he was seen with us.

Another, was punched in the face, and we have gotten no justice.

People posted #stopthegayshit and planned an 'anti gay protest' in which they were gonna run around with 'rebel' and 'trump' flags.

We had to stay away from people, and hide out on Thursday. I went to the assistant principal, and he told me we were going to be okay.

Today, we wore all our rainbow, and pride items. We were gonna hide out in a group, and watch the chaos peacefully, so they couldn't say that we harassed them back.

I had an icky feeling.

They took our lunch privileges, because 'we started something' and my LGBTQ+ friends got really scared, feeling unsafe & that we were going to be hurt because of it.

In the middle of first period, I was called to the office.

Almost everyone who walked with the flag got suspended. Including me.

We cried. We cried and we cried. We were scared & wanted safety. But they suspended us.

They didn't say anything about punishing those harassing us, assaulting us, exposing us.

We were terrified for our lives, and they give us no justice.

This is how we are treated. Just so you know.

All the kids planning the anti gay protest were harassing us online, in person, and god knows what else. They say we are the blame for everything. When we walked. We walked.


We walked for our rights. Not even during class. During a free hour. It wasn't a protest. It was a walk.

In our student handbook, it said nothing about our flag.  But they suspended us, like it was nothing.

They silenced us.

They will silence us no more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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