You call him dad~Ben

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      the past few months have been a doozy, after gaining your first teeth, trying to walk, doing everything a normal baby does, your father realized you've attempted/gained everything. Except for talking.
     Taking that into consideration, Ben had been trying his best to get you to talk. Attempting for you to say 'no', 'yes', anything really. He really wanted you to say 'dad' or something, but he knew not to do anything too much, so he'll have the slightest chance of you talking.
"Cmon baby cakes, say something!" He holds you up, lion king style. You just babble in response. Ben chose not to give up, and brought you back down. "My sweet little (Y/N), ill give you a cookie if you say something" he bribed. You put your small fist in your mouth as a response. He sighs and pulls you close to his chest. "It's okay, you're not ready yet, bub" he closes his eyes and smiles, hearing you giggle softly.
     The look on his face changed, however, when he heard a little voice say-
     "Baba" His eyes shot open and held you up. He thought for a moment. 'Baba' meant 'father' in African & Marathi. Ben smiled a bigger smile than Jeff's. Guess those documentaries were a good thing 😂.
     "Baba.....shoot, I'll take that" you giggle in response, placing your hand on his face.
     "Yes, yes, I'm your baba"

(DISCONTINUED)Creepypasta parent scenarios Where stories live. Discover now