you call him dad~Slender

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   In the (almost) year that you've been alive, you've learned a whooooole lot. From saying the words No, Cookies, Juice, and other random words, to actually walking and beginning to speak sentences.
  You started walking one day after Jeff walked off with the last poptart, needless to say you got your poptart.  And as for your sentence, Ben actually taught it to you. Just imagine a baby saying "T-Series sucks" and you'll get my point.
  Now, you were messing in your crib with all of your block army, waiting for your dad. It wasn't long before Slender entered the room, giving off the vibe of extreme the exhaustion. He loosens his tie, taking it off and neatly placing it on a bedside table.
  "Ba!" You exclaim, standing up in your crib. He glances over to you, humming slightly as he strodes over. He leans down and picks you up from your crib.
  "Hello my child, did you miss me?" He asks. Poking your small nose slightly. You giggle and push his hand away. The faceless creature chuckles and puts you back down in your crib. Seeing you were about to be left in your crib, as he walks over to his desk you huff. Knowing that throwing stuff or whining won't get his attention. You put on the cutest pouty face and shout.
   "Dada!" Slender stops in his tracks. He automatically spins around and goes back to you. Picking you up he replies.
  "Yes child" he says, holding you close. "I am your Dada" if he was able to smile, his face would most likely be a combination of Splendor and Jeff.
  "Dada.." you giggle, resting your head on him.
  He was so happy you actually called him 'Dada'. And he never let you go the rest of that day

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