Memories we shall remember forever: LJ

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(Idk okay)

   Jack has had you for a good few months. You could say simple things, but nothing to big. Your first word was 'blue', which was the most adorable thing ever. But you still couldn't really walk. You could crawl amazingly, and you could stand for like two seconds. He's tried motivating you but, nothing really worked. So he didn't pressure it.
   One day he and you were in the kitchen. He let you play under the table while he prepared you food. You were feeling determined today, so you grabbed ahold of a chair and used it as balance. Your dad saw you and stopped what he was doing. He got to his knees and grins wildly. You have a baby gurgle and let go of the chair. Taking a few steps forward.
  "Come on gumdrop, you can do it" he assures. You stumble a bit, but you don't fall. Your dads encouragement  made you believe, you weren't gonna give up. You kept hobbling over on your baby feet, until you were in your fathers arms. "That's it gumdrop!" He exclaims, hugging you tightly. He stands up and spins you around.
  "Well that was f*cking adorable" Jack turned to the kitchen door and saw Ben holding his phone up. Recording.
  "I will break that thing in half and make you eat it!"
  "Okay Fam chill!!!"


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