When your babysat- Slenderman

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This Egghead was extra as fuk. He left you with Splendor, Trendor, and.....well we'll count offender right here. You see Slender had some business to take care of, and didn't want to leave (Y/N) with anybody. So he just agreed on letting his brothers watch you for the day. So today you woke up and was held by your uncle Trender, then not even two seconds later he was dressing you in so many different clothes. Like, for real.
"Ooh, this would look amazing" he said for the millionth time. You were just sitting in your open crib. (You know, the kind that can have the front bar pulled down? Yeah that) listening to your uncle blab about your clothes. He had put you in so many things, you couldn't even count. Right now he's letting you chill in a onesie while he picks out another outfit. Before you knew it, you were snatched up by Splendor and was taken to his room.

It was colorful, really colorful. And he already prepped a tea party. So he sat you down in a stable chair (he might be extremely playful but he knows babies need to be kept SAFE XD) and put a crown on your head. He thought you looked adorable and gave you a cup. Sally eventually came in and joined the party. While the two were mesmerized by you attempting to drink from the cup, you dropped it under the table. The two went under the table to get it, and while they were distracted Offender came in and took you XD.

He changed into his human form, put you in a stroller, took the crown off you, and took you to a park. Sweet of him right? Nope, nada, negative. He sat on the bench and took you out of the stroller. You were babbling in baby language so he didn't really worry about it. He sat you on his lap and just played with your hands. His plan was starting to work, as multiple cute ladies stopped by and complimented them. And yeah, most of them got roses and you just got multiple lipsticks marks on your cheeks and forehead. After a good twenty lipstick kisses later he took you home.

He walked into the mansion in his original form, and took you out of the stroller. Before he could even hold you properly, Trender snatched you from him.
"Offender!!!!! I thought she/he went missing why did you take her/him?!" He exclaimed, Offender put the stroller up and spoke.
"I got her/him from Splendors room don't blame me" he grunted, adjusting his fedora. Trender thought for a moment.
"Wait....I had him first this morning, then I turned around and she/he was gone, so Splendor must've snatched her/him, and you probably got him from his room to. An-....Offender why is (Y/N)'s face covered in lipstick marks?" Trender had noticed the multiple red, pink, and black lipstick marks.
"What can I say? The kids a lady killer" Offender chuckles, ruffling your small head of hair.
Slender came home to the sweetest sight. His brothers were smushed up on the couch. Offender passed out on the left corner along with Trender leaned over Splendor slightly, but Splendor sprawled across him and Offenders lap. With (Y/N) perched up on Splendors chest, all curled up, and all sleeping peacefully. Slender chuckles at his brothers and slowly took (Y/N) from the group, and made his way to his room.
"You know, maybe they aren't that bad of babysitters"

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