Hoodie Catch-Up

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He finds you
Hoodie was walking around in the woods, just being the quiet person he was. He came to a new path but continued walking. He kept getting this weird feeling that there was someone else there, but shook it off. He continued walking down the path whenever he heard leaves rustling. Hoodie stopped in his tracks.
  "What's that?" He asked himself. He soon sighed and shrugged. "Guess I gotta find out" He told himself, but stops. "Geez I need to stop talking to myself" shaking his head, Hoodie walks over to where the sound was heard and looked around for a bit. Brian had departed from the path, over to the path on the right. He looks around for a minute and hears small footsteps. He looks behind him, but sees nothing. He blinks and hears the rustling at a nearby tree. Hoodie shakes his head slightly and looks behind the tree, he expects to find nothing. But he doesn't.

He locks eyes with what seemed to be a two/three year old girl/boy. The two stare at each other for what seemed to be a minute. Brian blinked and gave the child a sad look. Sure he was a killing monster like everyone else, but he still had a heart. He crouched down.
  "Hey little one, where's your mama?" He asked the girl/boy. The tiny human blinked and spoke.
  "Mama bye bye" she/he softly said, then continued his/her sentence "I Wait" the last part made Brian's cold heart break. Brian frowned.
  "....little one, I don't think mama's coming back..." he told him, the girl/boy blinked.
  "Why?" She/He asked, Brian sighed. Then he thought of something crazy.
  "I...don't know...you wanna....come with me?" He asked, the girl/boy hesitantly nods and lifts his arms up. Brian picked the toddler up and began walking back to the path that lead to the mansion. "What's your name? I'm Brian" he told the toddler, who placed his/her head on his shoulder.
  "(Y/N)), I 2" she/he claims, closing her/his tired eyes. She/He must have been there for a long while. Brian sighs and continues walking. He checks his watch "Come On, let's get you....home"

They take you home

  Hoodie slowly closes the mansion door behind him as he carried the sleeping girl/boy with him. Hopefully not being noticed, they trail upstairs. And of course the first person they run into is Slender.
  "......do I even have to explain?" Brian says, looking up at the tall man. Slender shakes his head.
  "You do happen to be one of my most loyal.....you may keep her/him" he explains, Brian smiles and looks to the sleeping toddler.
  "Thank you sir" he says, nodding to him. Slender nods back as a 'your welcome' and speaks.
  "Now off to bed you two"

You're babysat

  Hoodie had to do some business for Slender. So he asked Toby to watch you. The hatchet wielding man questioned, but agreed after seeing he owed Hoodie a solid. So now he was sitting with you on his bed. You didn't really talk, seeing that you were just two.
  "What do you actually do?" Toby asked the child. Usually you really just played with the toy your new father had given you. Nothing more, nothing less. Toby's fingers jerked slightly. He mumbles incoherently. You looked over and saw him struggle to keep his hands still. Though you didn't know much about his Tourette syndrome, but you wanted to help.
  You reached over and put your small hand over his. He blinks and looks down at you. You had the most adorable little smile on your face. Toby smiles slightly. "You really are ad-d-d-" he pauses and takes a breath. "Adorable. You're adorable" he laughs, then proceeds to pick you up. You wrap your small legs around him and hold onto his sweater lightly.
  His neck pops slightly. "S-S-So what do you wanna d-d-do, (Y/N)?" He asks. You respond with a shrug. "Wa-Wanna watch cartoons?" He asks. You nod your head frantically. "Cartoons it I-I-Is"
   You were perched on Toby's lap, both of you guys' focus set on the screen. You both have been watching episode after episode of Scooby Doo.
   "Toby what do you have my kid watching???" Toby turned to the door to see the hoodie wearing killer. Toby looks to the screen, then back.
  "S-Scooby Doo" He says, laughing slightly. Hoodie blinks under his mask in confusion.
  "Okay then" he says. He walks over and picks you up. "Lord help your mind" he makes his way up the stairs.
  "Hey! (Y/N) likes it!"
  "Okay Toby, okay"

Memories we shall remember forever

"Say it again (Y/N)!" Hoodie urges, patting your head. You were perched up on his lap playing with a stuffed toy, with everyone (well, a few of da creeps) paying attention. You smile and speak. 
   "A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X. Y, Z~~~" you let 'Z' trail off slightly, giving your adorable baby toothed smile. A few people clap. Hoodie claps his hands rapidly.
  "Good job little mouse!"
  "Okay, yeah, nickname your kid something the cat murders every day"
  "Masky shut the hell up"

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