When your babysat- Jeff The Killer

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Jeff had to go out killing about a week after he brought you home. He didn't really know who would be a good babysitter so he left you with Dark and Ben. Since you've gotten attached to your new dad, you were kind of anxious of him leaving you. Yeah, separation anxiety to the max. So yeah, you didn't really throw a fit but you did beg him not to leave you. So here you are, sitting on the couch between the two Elf wannabes, with one of your dads hoodies.
"So um....what do ya wanna do kid?" Dark asks, looking down at your smaller form. You shrug slightly and look at your feet. "Video games?" He asks, you shake your head no.
"Walk?" Ben asks, you shake your head no once again. They think for a moment, but give up. "There's gotta be something you wanna do kid" Ben says, giving you a slight look of sympathy. Dark suddenly got an idea, then spoke.
"Arts and crafts?" He asks, you look up at him with wide eyes and nod frantically. He smiles as stands up.

Okay when he said arts and crafts, he means paper, markers, and maybe some scissors. You were obviously fine with that, and now you were cutting a piece of paper. It was a little square.
"Whatcha Making?" Ben asked, you looked up and spoke.
"You'll see" you whispered, folding the paper slightly. You used to do this all the time with gum wrappers you found on the ground. You fold the paper into a little crane, and set it in front of you.
"Well that's cool" Ben says, Smiling at you. You blink, then nod. No one really complemented you on your little things you made, mainly because you never saw anybody. But you just react like anybody would. You guys just made little things out of paper for the rest of the day, it was fun :3
Jeff walked in, and his legs were tackled in a hug. Can you guess who it waaaaas?, it was you :3.
"Hey there kid" he said, picking you up. You laid your head on his shoulder, indicating you missed him. Jeff chuckled and looked to Dark and Ben.
"Thanks dudes" he thanked them, nodding to them.
"No problem" Ben says from his place on the couch. Dark nodded to him as well.
"Have a good time you losers" Jeff joked, and walked up the stairs.

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