Chapter 9

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Annabelle's POV

I'm still buzzing over everything that has happened. After Castiel kissed me then disappeared, I think I started to actually squeal with delight. I was so happy that I started doing cartwheels in the main room. I felt like doing back flips and then I quickly remembered that I couldn't do anymore gymnastics except cartwheels.

I quickly pulled myself together and mentally slapped myself for acting like I just won a million dollars. I couldn't help it. The first time we kissed was really nothing compared to this. The first time we kissed I felt some sparks but this last kiss was magnificent. I could literally feel the electricity running through my veins. If he would have kissed me for any longer, I would have surely lost it.

I shook my head, trying to clear it. I needed to focus. Tomorrow was going to be a very big day and I still had a lot to do.

I quickly ran down the hall to my room. I pulled out my black duffel bag and started throwing random shit into it. I don't even check to see if any of my clothes matched. I could really not care less. I was too excited to see what I was doing. I would throw in some shoes here and some shirts there. As long as I had clothes on my body, who cared? I walked around my room and grabbed all the weapons I might need. I grabbed my angel blade, my silver knife, my shotgun, and my lighter. My lighter wasn't really a weapon, even though it can be used as one.

I took a quick glance into my bag and decided that I didn't need anything else. I zipped it up and set my alarm for 5:00 am. I didn't know what Sam meant when he said "we leave first thing in the morning." So, I just set it to five to prepare for the worst. I grabbed my book and laid down on my bed to read. I got about twenty pages in and my eyes started to feel pretty heavy. I placed my book back on my dresser and shut the lights off. I climbed into bed and fell asleep thinking about what tomorrow's events would bring.


I woke up to my alarm clock blaring. I've never actually set it before, because I've never had to use it. I heard giant wings flapping and Castiel was standing at the foot of my bed with his angel blade ready in his hand.

"WHAT IS THAT NOISE? I HEARD IT AND THOUGHT YOU MIGHT BE IN TROUBLE!" he looked very worried and concerned. I instantly started laughing  and turned off my phone. I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard. When I finally stopped laughing Castiel looked at me, clearly not finding the humor in the situation. Maybe it was just too early for laughter. 

"What's so funny, and what was that noise?" He asked again but with a calmer demeanor. 

I giggled a little and sat up in my bed.

"Castiel that was my alarm clock. It's to wake me up when I want to wake up. I'm not in trouble I'm just tired," I gave him a small smile and finally let my own words set in. I was exhausted. I never had to wake up that early before, and it was very tiring. I could see Castiel's body relax, and he put his blade away.

"Oh well you should have told me that. I thought someone was in here."

 Why in the world would that sound be coming from my room if I was in trouble? I shook my head and dragged myself out of bed. I grabbed an old blue Doctor Who shirt and slipped on black pants. I stepped into my torn up black converse, and mentally cursed at myself for not noticing how bad they were getting. Castiel watched me through this whole procedure, and I could feel him trying to figure me out. I could feel how deep in concentration he was. It made me slightly uncomfortable to know, that his concentration was aimed on me.

"Stop that," I mumbled under my breath. 

He obviously hears me, but I could tell he had no idea what I was talking about.

I'll Protect You, Always (Supernatural AU/ Castiel love story )Where stories live. Discover now