Chapter 27

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Over the next few days, I assured everyone I was okay. But in reality, I was anything but okay. I mean, physically I was healthy as a horse, mentally well let's just say I woke up in the middle of the night, sweating through all my clothes, because I had a new nightmare. It was not just the same one with my mom and dad burning to death. Every night I watched as either Dean, Sam, Paige, or Garth tortured me. I writhed in pain and screamed in my sleep. I sobbed into my pillow, and Castiel would always be there to hold me. I would push him away and kick, claw, and bite before he could finally wake me up. He stayed calm and collected the whole time. When he woke me, he would whisper in my ear, until I feel asleep to the sound of his soothing voice.

Castiel knew just how much I didn't want Sam, Dean, and Paige worried about me. So, each night he would put them into deep sleeps, so they wouldn't be able to hear my screams. Being extremely grateful to him was an understatement. Every thing he did, he did for me. Every time he rebelled, he did it for my benefit. He was the only person that could ever hold me and actually make me feel safe. When he touched me it would make me feel high. He was my high. He was my happy little pill. I truly believed that was how I would describe him. My own drug that made me insatiable.

I didn't end up going to school for the next week. They let me rest, and I really needed it. I brushed up on my hunting skills, and worked on getting my anxiety back to an acceptable level. Even though I didn't really need to brush up on my weapon training, I did. Anything you put in my hand that could be used as a weapon, I knew how to yield. It was like a strange sixth sense. Castiel tried telling me it was just another one of my abilities, but it felt different. Like, I was born to fight.

Early one morning, I was in one of our glass training rooms, and I had set up a few spare dummies. I was lazily stabbing at them and wondering what I was going to do for the rest of the day. I was bored out of my mind and utterly restless. I needed to get some fresh air, because I had been cooped up in the bunker for a week. 

At first, being able to sit back and relax was perfect. But, by about the third day, I was ready to rip my hair out. There was nothing to do in the bunker except train, drink beer, play on Sam's laptop, think up battle strategies for the upcoming final battle, or do research. Which, all sounded pretty boring.

There was a knock on the glass which instantly sent me into a fighting stance. When I looked up to see it was Castiel, I lowered my dagger. I noticed he was still using Marcus as his typical vessel because he was not as well known as Marcus amount the angels and demons, but I honestly did not mind either way. I grinned at him and ran for the door. It had been two days since I last saw Cas. He was out searching for the location of the final battle. I volunteered to go with him, which everyone in the room responded with a big fat no. Their reasons were like, 'you just got here' and 'we missed you' or 'you need to rest'. Honestly, they couldn't protect me for the rest of my life. One day I was going to die, but I just hoped that day wasn't anytime soon. Besides, if they really thought I was going to sit out the last battle, they had another thing coming to them.

I flung open the glass door, going out to the long hallway, and jumped on Cas. He caught me in his arms and rested me on the table next to him. I shivered at the slightest brush of his fingers. 

He gave me a shy side smile and whispered into my ear, "I've missed you. I hope you haven't been having too much fun without me." He pulled away from my face and gave me a quick wink.

Honestly, he had become such a smooth and sexy talker. I blamed the porn he had been watching. I didn't comment on him watching it. He didn't watch for the pleasure of getting off on it, he watched it so he knew what to do when things get a little too heated. We both knew that porn was unrealistic, but before it, Castiel knew nothing about pleasure. You would think porn was just a bunch of moans and groans, but in reality some of those people were as smooth as butter. The simple but sexy sentences rolled off their tongues with such ease. How did I know what people said in porno's you ask? Well let's just say most of the time, things got a little too heated, when Cas was watching porn, and I just happened to walk in with almost nothing on. It made for a very satisfying reaction on his part. 

I'll Protect You, Always (Supernatural AU/ Castiel love story )Where stories live. Discover now