Chapter 12

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Castiel's POV

What was that old saying? Time flys when you're having fun? Oh well then, I must not have been having very much fun. Because, the clock had not grown wings and flown around the room yet. I think that was what it meant. I didn't really ever understand human sayings. Anyway, I was not happy at all, with Annabelle gone there was nothing to do.

I tried to keep myself occupied. I tried to collect news about the ongoing war. The results were always the same, I found nothing. Then I tried to watch those cartoons Dean always found so funny. I didn't understand why a cat trying to catch a mouse was funny. Although, every time the mouse outsmarted the cat, I smiled. I tried to practice my fighting techniques, but it got very boring. So, most of the time I was just laying on Annabelle's soft bed. It always smelled like her in there. I liked to go in there and imagine she was reading a book.

I thought about her a lot most days, though I knew I wasn't supposed to. Angels were not supposed to be with any human. That was how nephilims were born. Nephilims were and always would be abominations. I couldn't help how I was feeling though. I thought about how she never tried to look beautiful, she just was. I thought about how she smiled when I walked into the room. I liked the way her lips felt around mine. Her lips were soft but full of so much passion.

I found myself snapped out of my daydreaming by a loud banging coming from the entrance to the bunker. I flew to the door and it swung open, the metal crashing against the wall. Sam and Dean walked in looking the most exhausted I had ever seen them. I quickly searched the area behind them, but I didn't see Annabelle.

I became increasingly more worried by every passing second until I finally asked, "Where's Annabelle?"

Dean shot me a deadly glare. "Yeah, nice to see you too Cas," he practically growled. "We're fine by the way. Thanks for asking," Dean stomped away in a huff. 

Sam breathed out a long collective sigh and ran his hand through his hair. No one was answering me, and I was starting to get angry. 

"Sam, where is Annabelle?" I questioned through gritted teeth. 

Sam sighed again and tried to explain the situation as fast as he could, "Look Cas, we tried to find her. We really did. Dozens of shifters took her and we couldn't find her. We looked everywhere," Sam's eyes were pleading with me to understand. But, couldn't hear anything past 'we tried to find her' because I was seeing red. 

"YOU WHAT?! YOU LET SHAPESHIFTERS TAKE HER? SHE'S GONE AND YOU CAN'T FIND HER? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE? SHE'S THE MOST POWERFUL CREATURE IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE! SHE COULD CHANGE THE EVENTS OF THE WAR IN SECONDS! SHE WAS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND NOW SHE'S GONE! IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO HER, YOU TWO WILL PAY! SHE'S NEVER GOING TO FORGIVE ME FOR THIS!" I finished screaming and finally realized my own words. If angels could panic like humans, I was sure I would have been on the floor. She would never forgive me for letting them take her. She was going to hate me. She was going to hate me for letting her go. If she did, all was well because I hated myself more in that moment, than she could ever hate me. 

Then I knew what Annabelle was talking about when she talked about the dread. I could feel it coming, creeping up on me. The whole thing was my fault. I shouldn't have let her go without me. If I would have just gone, none of this would have happened. Everything hurt and I could feel the dread consuming me. My chest ached, and I know they were hurting her. They were hurting the girl I was supposed to protect. The girl that I had cared for since she was a baby. She was hurting and I could feel it.

My vision then started to go blurry and I fell to the ground. I could suddenly see the silhouette of Sam towering above me. I tried to focus on him but, he was coming in and out of focus. 

I'll Protect You, Always (Supernatural AU/ Castiel love story )Where stories live. Discover now