Chapter 18

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Castiel's POV

They warned me something like that would happen. They said that I would probably end up experiencing human emotions. They explained that human emotion was what had me going back to heaven. Human emotions made angels weak. I guess I stayed on earth too long and became too human.

Earlier when I was telling Annabelle she wasn't allowed to go into the room with the demons, I experienced a emotion for just a split second. I was talking about how I have no friends, and I became sad. I remembered having friends at one point, but apparently those days were gone.

Later when Annabelle was getting dragged away by those demons, something inside of me snapped. I was furious. It wasn't just because demons were dragging away my job, no it was bigger than that. I felt something towards her, that I know I shouldn't. Then when she started to beg for help, for my help, I caved. No one hurts my Annabelle is what kept running through my head.

I should not have been thinking about her like that. She was my job, nothing else. But, the more I told myself that, the less I believed it. Every time I thought about her, I had a blissful feeling in my stomach. According to angels I was not supposed to experience any feelings, so why was I having feelings of bliss.

When I was in heaven, being as Gabriel called it "remade", Gabriel told me that she wasn't good for me. I shouldn't become her friend, or even become a little close to her. I didn't remember anything from before my rebirth. Gabriel said that it was good thing, memories get in the way of the job.

Although my memories were gone, every so often I got little images in my head. A little girl with blonde curly hair playing on a beach, running around a park, getting hurt on the swing set, eating Mac and Cheese with it all over her face, and reading a book. All those memories were all of the same little girl. I imagined I had a strong profound bond with the interesting little girl. Even in my visions I knew the little girl was powerful, more powerful than me.

I had strong feelings towards this little girl. When I told the Winchesters, Annabeth, and Annabelle that I was going to heaven I was usually just out searching for that child. I could never find her. Not even a trace of her. I didn't understand why it bothered me so much, she could be dead for all I knew. Those memories were probably decades old.

The more that I thought about it, the feelings I had towards the little girl, were the same ones I had towards Annabelle. Oh god, what was happening to me?

I flew back into the main room and I startled everyone by my abrupt presence. 

"Castiel, we need to talk," Dean said as soon as we made eye contact. I rolled my eyes and gave him my best bored face. I really did not like this Dean Winchester. He was so snarky and rude. All I did was throw him into a wall, that was no reason to disrespect an angel. 

"I know Annabelle used to be home schooled by you, but she needs to go to real school. You know, public school. She's 17 and being couped up here with this war looming over her head, is not good for her. So we're sending her to the nearest high school," Dean finished and just nodded his head like there was no room for argument and the decision was final. 

Suddenly images started to flash through my head and they hurt. They never hurt, but this one time it was a lot of images. It started out with a baby and quickly fast forward throughout the years with the little blonde girl. Then it showed Annabelle. She looked a little younger. I was teaching her a type of math. The images stopped, and I was on the floor doubled over in pain.

"Castiel, are you okay? Come on, Castiel open your eyes." I opened my eyes and Annabeth was standing above me looking extremely worried. I had to remember to catch my breath while I stared up at her. 

I'll Protect You, Always (Supernatural AU/ Castiel love story )Where stories live. Discover now