Chapter 13

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If you're dying inside clap your hands. If your dying inside clap your hands. If the season finale of supernatural killed you and you want to kill the writers.......If your dying inside clap your hands. I thought I should express to you guys how much that episode hurt. Okay well anyway enjoy the chapter.

I did not hear that right. I couldn't have heard that right. 

'Castiel loves me? No, he doesn't. Does he?'

Of course I already knew the answer to that question. I could feel it radiating off him. The love. The undying commitment. 

With each breath and kiss we took, I could feel him falling harder and harder. I knew he was in love with me. But, was I in love with him? I know I liked him a lot, but love? As I kissed him it felt so right. Everything about us felt right, and I didn't know why I was so undecided.

I would have to think very hard about Castiel and I. Because, once I said the words, I could not take them back. I broke away from our deep kiss, panting. I rested my forehead against his tried to catch what little breath I had left. 

"You have to believe me, Annabelle. I really do love you," Castiel whispered into my mouth. Castiel's eyes were closed and his anxiety bounced back onto me like a boomerang. I kissed the crease between his eyebrows, and the tension in his body relaxed. 

"I do believe you, Cas," I said back, trying to keep the sympathy out of my voice. 

Just then his thoughts flashed into my head. 

"Does she love me? Is she going to say it?" 

I was suddenly awash with guilt. I hadn't said it back, and I had no intention of saying it back, yet. I had to really think about it. I pulled away and tried to change the subject.

"Hey, where's Sam, Dean, and Annabeth?" I said as if the conversation we were just having was the most normal converstation ever. 

Castiel was momentarily hurt, before his demeanor changed to one of confusion. 

"Annabeth? Who's Annabeth? Dean and Sam are in there rooms, but I don't know any Annabeth," Castiel explained, shaking his head. I could then feel my own worry spread throughout my body. 

"Wait, so when Sam and Dean came home, they didn't have a girl with them. She's in her thirties and incredibly beautiful," I asked Castiel with pleading eyes. Castiel's eyebrows knit together, and he shook his head.

I shot up off the couch and sprinted to Dean's room. When I got to his room, I rapidly banged on the door as hard as I could. He immediately opened his door, and his frown turned up into a huge grin. 

"ANNABELLE!" he yelled and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I pushed on his chest, and he pulled away looking confused.

"Where is Annabeth?!" I nearly screamed. His smile disappeared, and his whole body slumped. I hadn't noticed it before, but he looked tired. He looked like he spent endless nights pondering over that same question. 

"When they took you, they took her too. I couldn't save either of you guys, Annabelle. I'm so sorry," he pleaded for forgiveness. 

I was first met with initial shock that not only was that Annabeth's first hunt, she was the first girl that I actually felt a connection with. How could we have already lost her? Then when I remembered where I was, I could not help but feel sorry for Dean. I wrapped my arms around him and placed my head onto his stomach. 

"It's not your fault, Dean. It's no ones fault, and I don't want you to ever think any different," I said to him hoping he would know that I was telling the truth. I looked up and gave him a serious look.

I'll Protect You, Always (Supernatural AU/ Castiel love story )Where stories live. Discover now