Chapter 31

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I was conscious. They were talking around me, and I could hear them. I tried to talk, but the words just wouldn't roll off my tongue. I tried to open my eyes, but it felt like someone was pushing them down. My breathing was shallow, and it probably looked like I was not breathing at all. My blood was slowly starting to beat faster with each breathe I took. I sighed in relief when I realized the air around me didn't feel as thin as paper. Every muscle in my body ached, and I whimpered when I tried to wiggle my pinkie.

The whispered around me stop. I feel someone grab my hand and pain shoot up my arm. I choked back a sob and whine. I feel the weight lifted from my hand, and I sighed. I slowly forced my eyes open, and it took everything in me, but I finally got them open.

The light around me blinded me for a minute before I could see the outline of four figures. They were hovering around me, a little too close for comfort. Their gazes were too intense and it made me uncomfortable. As their faces came into full focus, I gasped. Above me were the four people I thought I would never see again.

Castiel stared down on me with so much love, I thought my heart would burst. I could feel tears begin to stream down my face, as I jumped into his arms. The pain of moving and hitting a solid figure are almost unbearable, but I didn't care. Castiel was alive. My Castiel was alive. I was sobbing hysterically, and I whispered incoherent things. 

"I can't believe you are alive. God, I never thought I would never see you again. I love you. I love you, so much," I laughed into his chest, and he pulled me tighter into him. He pulled away from me and smashed his lips against mine. His kiss was hungry and passionate. He didn't pull away even after we heard a throat being cleared a couple times. 

When he did finally pull away he whispered into my ear, "Later, Annabelle." His words sent shivers down my spine and I blushed.

I turned around, and Sam tackled me to the ground. He wrapped me in his huge arms and rolled across the floor. He kissed my head, and my cheek numerous times. 

He crushed me with his hug, "I have no words other than I am never letting you out of my sight again," he chuckled into my ear, and I felt a tear fall onto my face. I make no comment about it and let him continue to crush me to death. When he pulled away he gave me one last smile before Dean swept me up from the floor.

Dean spun me around, and I could't help but laugh. 

He yelled at the top of his lungs, "Beat that you bastards, my sister is alive and we won the war!" He pulled me into a hug, and I felt another arm loop around my waist.

I was spun around, and I collided with Paige. She took no time to start blabbering about how happy she was that I was okay. She told me how much I meant to her, and I returned the thoughtful comment knowing she needed it. I was again yanked away, but I was pushed against someone's side. I looked up to see Castiel smiling down at me. I lean up and took his face in my hands. I kissed him slowly and savored every taste of his lips. Cheers erupted around us, and I pulled away from him grinning. The boys and Paige were whooping and cheering louder than I had ever heard their voices go.

Everyone picked me up, and I was carried out of my room into the main room. They laid me down on one of the couches in the room. Sam and Paige sat on the couch next to me. Dean and Cas sat directly next to me. We sat there for hours talking, just talking. Talking about pointless things like what we were going to do the next day or what we were going to eat for dinner the next day. We talked about those things because we could. We talked about those things because we were alive, and honestly that was the only thing we wanted to talk about.

After a while one by one we all started to fall asleep. When I looked at Sam, Dean, and Paige they were all sound asleep. Sam was laying back on a large pillow, and Paige was draped across him. He had his arm locked around her waist, and they both looked completely at peace. Dean was lying on my left and had his face smashed against the couch. His soft snores filled the bunker and if you had just walked in you could almost say we looked normal. Almost. We were all caked in dirt, blood, and who knows what else was on us. But, we were together and even better yet we were alive.

I'll Protect You, Always (Supernatural AU/ Castiel love story )Where stories live. Discover now