Chapter 14

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I awoke suddenly due to a quick shift in wight on the bed. I looked around to try to find the source of the shift and found Castiel trying to slowly climb out of bed. I looked away and tried to hide my face from him. I was hurt because he had told me he would be there with me when I woke up, yet there he was trying to get away from me. He didn't plan on me waking up, and he was about to leave. I thought to myself that maybe I was overreacting, but he had made a promise and I did not appreciate people backing out on their promises. I mean if I had woken up after he had gotten up, he would not have been there and I probably would have freaked out. 

Cas took a quick glace behind him and noticed I was promptly watching his every move. Cas then smiled and bent down towards me. I again turned away from him, trying to hide the hurt that was probably etched into my face.  I didn't have to be looking at him to know how confused he must have been. 

"Annabelle?" He tenderly said to me. Cas climbed back onto the bed and softly turned my face towards his. I watched as he tilted his face slightly sideways and raised one eyebrow. I did not want him to know how hurt I was so I quickly asked him what was on my mind. 

"Where were you going?" I softly asked. Cas immediately looked bashful and his eyes turned down towards the floor. 

"To figure out what is wrong with me," he answered shyly but I could still hear the typical gruff in his voice. Then it was my turn to be confused. 

I knit my eyebrows together and asked, "What do you mean?" 

He sighed and replied in a defeated and awkward voice, "Well there's a painful sensation right below my stomach. I do believe it's in the organ you would call, a kidney." 

The hurt I had just experienced moments had then completely disappeared. 

"What? Wait, are you trying to say you need to go to the bathroom?" I questioned worryingly. To the ignorant they might not think that was something to worry about, like oh wow he needed to pee big whoop. But, he's an angel he shouldn't need to pee, ever.

Castiel nodded and said, "I believe so. The only question now is, how do I do it?"

My eyes widened, and I mentally facepalmed. He had never peed before, he didn't know how. 

'Oh god. This is not going to be good'. 

I whispered into Castiel's ear exactly what he needed to do, but tried to make it as comfortable as possible. I could almost instantly feel him begin to get embarrassed by my words. When I was finished talking I leaned away from him, and his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head.

Castiel finally briskly stood up and walked over to the bathroom. I watched as Castiel walked over to the toilet, and he gave me a questionable look. I made a motion that looked like I was lifting up the toilet seat. He copied my action and pulled the toilet seat up. Then following my instructions, he pulled his coat off. 

Just as he was about to take his pants off I whisper screamed, "Castiel! Close the door!" He finally realized what he was about to do, and he rushed to close the door.

After he closed the door I breathed out a sigh of relief, and moments later I heard someone in the room begin to cackle. I looked over and saw Dean laughing harder than I had ever seen him laugh. He was holding his side and was rolling back and forth on the bed. He laughed so hard he rolled onto the floor and grunted loudly. He then resumed to laugh as loud as he could. 

I quickly became very annoyed with Dean, rolled my eyes and asked, "What's so funny?" 

He looked at me, wiped his eyes, and pointed his finger at me, "You...had to use....the bathroom!" He stated between fits of laughter. I blushed ruby red and got up from the bed. I walked to Dean and playfully slapped him. 

I'll Protect You, Always (Supernatural AU/ Castiel love story )Where stories live. Discover now