Chapter 2

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"What in the world is a hunter?" I looked at them curiously and questioned.

Sam smiled at me slightly and asked, "You've never met a hunter, yet you have an angel blade?"

Sam and Dean looked at each other. Dean gave Sam a stern look and Sam just nodded.

"I'm sorry, did I just miss something?" I crossed my arms and then started tapping my foot. The two men in front of me were already getting on my nerves. 

"If you're not a hunter, where did you get the blade?" Dean stared at me just waiting for an answer.

"Should I tell them?" I thought, "what happens if I do tell them? Will they kill me? Will they kill Castiel?

"Before I tell you anything, I want to know, what is a hunter?"

"Okay, well that seems fair enough," Dean respnded as he nodded curtly. 

"Well, a hunter is really just slang for a world saving, ass kicking, superhero! Right!? Am I right, or am I right, Sammy!?" Dean grinned like a maniac and put a hand up to Sam and then waited for a high five. Sam pulled a bitch face and Dean lowered his hand awkwardly.

"Well, it seems that you will not be taking this seriously Dean." Sam glowered at Dean and turned to me. Dean cleared his throat and looked back to me, all trace amounts of humor completely vanishing from his face. 

 "So Sam, would you please explain to me, without the theatrics, what a hunter is?" I raised my eyebrows and waited.

"Of course, a hunter is a person who hunts the supernatural, so pretty much supernatural hunters. We hunt all your regular everyday monsters and more. Like, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, demons, leviathans, djinn, skin walkers, shapeshifters, and plenty more." I placed my hand on my chin midway between Sam's explanation and hadn't moved it yet. I just kept nodding at Sam like I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Then I thought of something that scared me horribly.

 "Um Sam, do you guys by any chance hunt angels?" I asked with a shaky voice. I probably looked terrified because Sam gave me a strange look. 

"Only when we need to. Other than that we try to leave them alone. Why do you ask?" he questioned, looking very quizzical. 

"Well no reason.........." I trailed off mid sentence and looked down at the ground.

Dean finally spoke up and said, "Hey, well now that we've answered your question about hunters, you have to answer our question. How is it that you have that blade, but you're not a hunter and you've never even met one?"

I breathed out a long sigh and said, "Okay well, you have to promise not to freak, okay?

Dean and Sam nodded quickly and motioned for me to go on.

"Okay well, when I was six months old, someone set my nursery on fire and plastered my mother on the ceiling. My father was in the house, but there was no way he could get me out in time. He probably thought we were going to die. So, he curled up into a ball and waited for death. But, just as the flames started rising an angel appeared. He told my father he could take care of me. My father wasn't really willing at first, but he finally realized his predicament and handed me over. The angel flashed us out of the room, and we watched my house burn to the ground. I mean, you're probably wondering how I know all this. And it's  because I'm still haunted by it every night in my dreams. Anyway, the angel kept his promise and he raised me for all these years. Just in case you're wondering I'm 16. The guy you saw walk out of this room today, was an angel. That's about it. Any questions?" I finished talking and looked at them. Sam looked too stunned to speak. He appeared scared out of his mind. But, Dean cleared his throat and bumped him.

I'll Protect You, Always (Supernatural AU/ Castiel love story )Where stories live. Discover now