Chapter 15

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"Hello, Annabelle."

My head was throbbing, and I was laying on cold ground. After a moment's consideration, I forced my eyes open and looked around. Everything was blurry, but soon his face came into focus. Gabriel. I shut my eyes, already irritated by the pointless conversation that I knew I was bound to have with the annoying archangel. I groaned loudly as I pulled myself up.

"Sorry about that. You had quite a hard fall," he said smirking down at me. 

I looked around, and realized I was in a park. But, it was not your normal everyday park. It was so sad and gloomy. The sky was an awful dull blackened shade and the air felt heavy and dark. The playground -in the dead center of the park- was trashed. The black chained swing set was broken into tiny pieces, the blue and green slides were split in half, all the metal structures from the playground were scattered around, and the asphalt was cracked under the equipment. 

But of course, worst of all, was the bodies. Hundreds and hundred of bodies lied everywhere I looked. There was blood, limbs, and angel blades scattered in complete disarray on the ground and in the trees. It was complete carnage and I could not look away. My stomach churned and I wanted to vomit, but I took some slow deep breaths and managed to calm myself before I had a full blown panic attack.

I finally realized what I needed to do and forced my feet to begin to move. I carefully walked around the bodies, and noticed some had a huge black wings on the ground by each side of them. Some where just plain bodies, but just by being near them I could sense they were occupied by demons before they were destroyed. Then I walked around some more, and I began to think the other bodies were humans. Then, I looked closer at each body. There was vampires, shifters, werewolves, wendigos, djinns, skin walkers, and so many more I didn't recognize.

"This is what war does," Gabriel stated from behind me. "It turns even the best men, into animals." 

I turned around, and he was frowning. 

"No, you're wrong. This is what happens when one man doesn't get what he wants. Blood is shed. This is unnecessary. This blood should never have been lost!" I screamed at him.

He was fuming and his whole body perked up. 

"But it did! Metatron wanted this. This was his doing. He wants everything, heaven, hell, EVERYTHING! You can't stop him! No one can! You wanted to know what heaven looked like, well here you go. But, it's not only heaven that looks like this. Oh, no, no, no. Dozens of different places on heaven, hell and Earth look worse than this! This is nothing compared to what can be and what will be!" He finished screaming.

I threw my hands up in exasperation and turned on my heel. 

"I've told you once and I'll tell you again. I'm not on your side, hell's side, or any supernatural beings side. I'm on the humans side. I will fight for them, because they're actually worth fighting for. They have more potential to grow. You're just pathetic," I practically spit at him.

"I know about Castiel. I know what's happening to him. He will become human if you keep him on Earth for much longer. He needs to return to heaven. He needs to be an angel again," Gabriel's explained and his features suddenly turned soft. 

"He doesn't need to do anything. You don't control him, no one does," I sternly said and made it point to stand my ground. I was not about to back down without a fight. Castiel was mine and Gabriel was not allowed to take him from me. 

I stood tall, took one last look around, and finally realized just how bad it was. The war was not ending, it was just getting started. These were just a few of the casualties, soon we would be swimming in bodies. I glared at Gabriel one final time; then I concentrated on home and everything disappeared.

I'll Protect You, Always (Supernatural AU/ Castiel love story )Where stories live. Discover now