Chapter 20

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Annabelle's POV

As we walked into the classroom, everyone turned to stare at us. The teacher whipped around from what he was doing at the board. He grinned at us and gestured for us to step forward. He dropped the dry erase marker and waited for us to start walking towards us. I started to walk forward and noticed that Castiel wasn't following me. I grabbed ahold of his hand and dragged him forward. 

Mr. Moyer looked confused but really just shrugged and said, "Class we have a new student. This is Annabelle Caster. Annabelle you can take a seat wherever there's an empty space. We don't have assigned seats in this classroom. Glad to see you too, Marcus." Mr. Moyer regarded Castiel, but he was too busy observing everyone in the classroom with a scowl. I nudged Castiel, and he looked down at me. I tilted my head towards Mr. Moyer, but that just made him even more confused.

I grabbed his hand again and dragged him to the back of the classroom, where there was two empty seats. I pointed at his seat, and he hesitantly took his seat. I sat down at my desk and noticed that about half the class was still watching us. I felt so embarrassed that my cheeks flushed a hot red. I knew they were all just curious, but it was still annoying to have them watching us. Castiel noticed I was uncomfortable and sent a glare to everyone within the room. All except three turn around and face the board again.

The three that were still watching us, wouldn't budge under Castiel's glare. They all smirked at us in perfect synchronization and then turned back around like perfect robots. I looked over at Castiel and could feel how distressed he was. 

He tried to be casual as he leaned over and whispered, "Those three are demons. I saw their true faces as soon as I walked in. They saw mine too. They know who I really am. They know who you are too. I'll take care of them." 

I quickly grasped his arm, "I could also sense they were demons from the moment we walked in. But, I could also see that they are inside of children. We are not killing them, Castiel," I told him with the best buisness face that I could pull. 

Castiel looked at me with disbelief, "Well if we don't kill them, how do you expect to handle them? You know they'll try everything in their power to take you." 

I smiled and said, "I didn't want to tell you yet, but I've been practicing a new power." 

Castiel looked confused and asked, "And, what would that be?" 

I just smirked, "You'll see." Castiel continued to stare at me strangely for the rest of the period.

When the period ended I gathered all my stuff up and helped Castiel do the same. As we were walking out of the classroom, the three demons approached and surrounded us. 

The tallest of the three spoke up and said, "I'm guessing you already know what we are." They all blinked, and their eyes turned pitch black. They blinked again, and their eyes were back to normal. "We'll make this easy for you. You either come with us, or we'll kill everyone in this school.

I glanced over at Castiel and could tell that he was getting ready to smite them. 

"Oh and don't even try to smite us Castiel. Well cut her throat faster than you can say no please don't." I almost smiled, because they didn't know that will do absolutely nothing to me. So I decided to play it safe. 

"Okay, I'll come with you but, let's do it some place private. I don't want anyone to get hurt," I pleaded with them. Castiel gave me an incredulous look, and I took his hand in mine. 

What are you doing, Annabelle? Castiel's words flooded into my head. I smiled at him and started walking with the demons.

We rounded a corner where no one was, and I smiled at the demons. I turned around and looked at Castiel. I made my face sad and hugged him. 

I'll Protect You, Always (Supernatural AU/ Castiel love story )Where stories live. Discover now