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You heard your door knock and slowly open revealing JJ

"Can I help you?"
You smiled

"Chip and Will are on their way over, that's if you wanted to come say hi when they get here"

"Yeah sure I'll be down in a bit"
He walked in and closed the door behind him

"You alright?"

"I was speaking to Simon yesterday. He was a bit annoyed"


"He just told me to look at your Instagram"

"My Instagram bothers him?"

"No I think you will find it's the person commenting on your photos that's bothering him"
You laughed and JJ smiled

"Of course"
You rolled your eyes

"So, what is Simon's problem exactly?"
You shrugged

"He just doesn't want me to speak to the guy"

"Gonna guess he doesn't want you to meet him today"

"He said he doesn't care as long as I 'never speak to him again'"
You using your fingers for quotation marks, JJ laughed

"He's not a bad guy Mal"

"Tell that to Simon. Not me"
It was then you had heard a loud laugh from someone you hadn't heard before

"That will be Will and Chip"
You smiled before standing up and following JJ out the room

The familiar laughter of Chip rang through your ears and the unfamiliar northern voice you were guessing was from Will got louder as you walked down the stairs

You heard Chip say as he walked into the kitchen. You following slowly behind, all their eyes turning to you as you smiled softly

Chip spoke in the same voice he had said JJ's name, standing up and greeting you with a hug
"I haven't seen you in ages"
You smiled and laughed, turning around looking the other side of you and catching eyes with who you were assuming was Will

"I'm going to guess that you are Will?"
He smiled and nodded

"Guessing you are Malia"
You smiled and he took your hand in his, shaking it slowly and sending you a bright smile
"It's nice to finally meet you, the boys have told me a lot about you"
You giggled and pulled your hand away when you heard Simon cough

"It's nice to finally meet you too"
His eyes raked down your body a few times before he looked into your eyes and smirked slightly

"Ready to go and film Will?"
Simon spoke up gaining his attention

"Sure lets go"
Simon, Will and Chip stood up

"We will be in the other room if you need me"
Simon spoke looking at you

"Okay whatever"
He rolled his eyes and walked out the room, leaving you in the kitchen with JJ

"You two have spoken haven't you?"
You nodded and he laughed

"Barely. We spoke through DM last night, that was about it"
You sighed
"Should I find it pathetic that Simon is being so protective after one fucking Instagram comment?"

"Well, maybe a little but it's easier for us to see where he's coming from. You are his little sister, he doesn't want any of his friends near you"

"Why has he only cared about him meeting me though?"

"Oh he didn't want to introduce you to my one outside of the sidemen, of it was up to him you would've only met the sidemen but obviously he couldn't hide you forever"
You shrugged you shoulders, hearing soft footsteps coming towards the kitchen

"You two alright?"
Simon asked looking between the two of you
You nodded and smiled
"I need a hand in filming, think you can help Mal?"

You stood up and followed him into the other room, JJ laughing as you left

"What exactly do you need me to do?"

"Just hold the camera"
He smiled and opened the door for you to walk in. The two boys turning and smiling at you when they saw you, Will's eyes lingering on you slightly longer that Chip's did

Simon said passing you the camera
"Just pan it over to whoever is talking"
You nodded and turned the camera to Simon who was doing his intro and introducing the other boys, you turning the camera to them whilst they spoke

You noticed Will's eyes glancing over you quite a few times during the filming, trying to ignore his eyes on you whilst panning the camera over to Simon when he began his outro telling them to subscribe to Will and Chip before saying good bye and getting you to turn the camera off

"Thanks Mal you can leave now. We don't need a second angle for any of the other videos"
You smiled and left the room going back to the kitchen to find it empty

You sat down and got your phone out, looking down at it until you heard a voice

"You alright?"
The newly familiar northern voice ran through your head

"Yes I'm fine. You look a little lost"
Will laughed and shook his head

"They are filming something and kicked me out for a few minutes"
You nodded and smiled as he moved as sat down on one of the stools near you
"So when do you move out?"

"Next Tuesday"

"Where is it"

"Somewhere further into London"
He laughed at your blunt answer
"To be completely honest I'm not that sure, it's a tower of flats near where the other boys live"

"Ah. You never know, you might end up moving into my tower"

"It's a possibility considering I'm not even sure what the place is called"
He laughed

"Well it would be nice if you moved into my tower, maybe we would be able to talk without your brother watching me"

"He will be watching you anyway, he wouldn't be impressed if I ended up moving into the same place as where his friends live, besides I'll end up at your flat quite abit anyway"

"Why would that be?"

"You live with Gee right? I haven't see her in ages and a catch up would be nice"

"Yes I do and come on, it would just be an excuse to see me"
You laughed at his confidence

"I've only just met you"

"And you already can't stay away from me"

"Keep thinking that"

"I will"
He laughed and stood up when he heard Simon call for him, you smiled up at him as he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on your cheek making a light blush rise up on your cheeks
"I'll see you around Lia"

A soft smile took over your expression as you thought
'No ones ever called me Lia before'

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