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Once again written by buttercreammaynard

You were pressed against Will's comfy hoodie the whole airplane ride home, dosing in and out of sleep until you heard the ding of the fasten seatbelt light.
The car ride home was quiet, all of you tired from the last night of partying you had done in Ibiza.
You and Will parted at the rest of the boys when you got to your floor in the building, Gee deciding to stay at Chip's tonight.
You sluggishly walked into Will's flat, a high pitched squeal coming from behind him as he was going to close the door.
Your eyebrows raised as the door was flung open, a petite girl plastering herself to Will's front. He rocked back, trying to keep his balance at the new found weight attached to him, his hands gingerly resting on her waist so she didn't fall.
"I missed you," she said happily, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Your heart dropped when you saw this, wanting nothing more to not be there at this moment, so this must be Alexa then.
But a small smile overcame your lips when you saw Will flinch back at her actions, a grimace settling on his sleep ridden features. His hands dropped from her waist as he pushed her away from him gently but with intention.
He took a few steps backwards, reaching a hand out just so that he knew you were still there, his long fingers brushing over yours.

"Hi Alexa, uh, this is Malia?" he said awkwardly, gesturing between the two of you. You smiled at his awkwardness, giving his fingers a squeeze.
You gave her the sweetest smile you could muster, saying that you'll leave them to catch up for a bit, going to your flat to unpack your suitcase.
You were half way through throwing clothes into the hamper when you heard your front door open and close hastily, Will standing pushed against it as if something was hcasing him.
You let out a giggle at his flustered state, seeing him send a glare back at you.
"How could you just leave me in there with her?" he complained, an exasperated sigh left his lips.
"I thought you might want to catch up," you replied, continuing with sorting through your clothes.
You felt his presence close behind you, his arms coming either side of you to push whatever was in your hands back down onto the table.
"You thought wrong," he said, turning you around in his arms, resting his head against yours. "She's so...clingy." He continued, a disgusted tone to his face.
You laughed at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around him like a koala, his hands coming down to rest just under your ass.
"I'm clingy too though," you told him, exaggerating your hold on him.
"But I like you being clingy, it means I can do this," he said, walking into your bedroom, leaving your laundry behind. He dropped you gently on your back on the bed, crawling to rest inbetween your legs, beginning to press soft kisses everywhere on your face, his arms wrapping tightly around your frame. You started to giggle as his hands started moving on your waist, pairing with his teasing lips brushing against your neck. He pressed one final kiss to your lips, laying back and patting his chest, letting you cuddle up against him as you both fell asleep after a tiring week.

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