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Will knocked on your door and waited for an answer, he had been sat alone in his flat for about half an hour, everything Simon and Josh said was replaying over and over again in his head and he no longer knew what to think
He didn't want Simon to be annoyed at you nor did he want you to regret anything that happened happened between the two of you.
Your door opening broke him from his thoughts

"I thought you were too busy to come around?"
He frowned and spoke back

"I mean I should be editing right now if I want to get he video up tomorrow but I just wanted to come and see if you were okay"

"I'm fine Will"

"Are you going out?"

"Yes I'm going to stay at the Sidemen house for the night because Simon wants to talk to me"

"Talk to you about what? Also are you not going to let me in?"
You sighed and opened the door, closing it behind him

"He wants to talk about what you said, he's not mad he just said he wants to talk"

"Are you okay"

"I just said I was fine didn't I?"

"Seriously Lia what's wrong, you're snapping at me and all I've asked is if you are okay, I was worried when you left in tears and even more so when you completely ignored my message"

"I didn't ignored your message"
You looked down and frowned

"Babes I saw that you read the message I'm not stupid"
He stepped closer to you, his arms sliding around your waist as he held you against him, your head laying on its side on his chest and your hands softly resting on his upper arms as he spoke again
"Just tell me what's wrong, please"

"I just haven't had a good day Will"

"Tell me about it, tell me what's been bothering you today because I've noticed you've been off since you flopped on my bed and told me that people annoy you"

"Everything has just made me sad, I planned to tell Josh here, not in your flat in front of my brother. I wanted to be alone when I told him but he practically just refused to talk to me alone even though he wanted to talk in the first place and the me leaving and ending up extremely upset didn't help, you being busy and say you couldn't come over just made everything worse since the last thing I wanted was to be alone"
You moved your head off of his chest to look up at him, one of his arms wrapped all the way around your waist as his other hand cane up to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear

"I'm sorry, I thought you just wanted to be alone because of what you said about wanting none of us over tonight"

"I invited you over for a reason, I was upset and wanted comfort, I didn't want the other guys to come over, I wanted you"

"If you wanted me to come over why are you going to the Sidemen house for the night?"

"Because, you were busy and Simon messaged me and asked me if I wanted to go round and stay there for the night
and I said yes"

"You could've just stayed round mine for the night"
You shrugged your shoulders

"It's too late now"

"Cancel on him, come round mine, I wouldn't exactly mind your company for the night Lia"

"Simon is already on his way over Will"

"What if I wanted to spend time with you?"

"Like you said, you'll see me tomorrow"
He leaned forward, the hand that tucked your hair behind your ear was now slowly running down your jaw, stopping to cup your cheek, slowly running his thumb over it as you leaned in to his hand, the feeling causing your eyes to close
You felt his lips graze yours, feeling him press soft kisses down your neck and up under your ear

"Is there no way I can persuade you to stay?"
You let out a quiet whimper, feeling the corners of his lips turn up into a small smile
The door knocked, making him pull away and groan

"I already said I'd go so I'm going, sorry babe"
You moved out of his grip and opened the door to reveal Simon

"Are you ever not here?"
Will laughed
"I'm gonna go wait in the car Mal, just please don't take too long"
You'd smiled as he left, closing the door behind him

"I'll see you tomorrow okay? I'll be back in the morning"
He sent you a smile and pulled you back in to him, pressing his lips on to yours for a short kiss before pulling away

"I'll see you tomorrow Lia"
He left after that, you grabbing everything you needed before going down to meet Simon

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