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"What's wrong with you?"
Will asked as you fell forward on to his bed, him spinning around in his chair to laugh as he watched you

"People annoy me Will"
You huffed before turning your head to look up at him

"Who are these said people and what have they done to you?"
He stood up from his chair and sat on the bed next to your head, you moved your head to rest on his thigh whilst his fingers ran softly through your hair

"Josh wants to take me out and hang out with me when we go to Ibiza"

"I told him that I said maybe about going on another date and that I never said I'd definitely go out with him again and hanging out Is just going to be inevitable when we all go out for dinner or something"

"Did he mention anything about seeing you today?"

"He said he wants to talk to me later and he said it's about me and him but I kept saying I've said everything there is to say about it but I know he's not going to give up"

"Josh is very determined when it comes to you"

"I just kind of wish he wasn't because it makes it so much harder for me to let him down, I've tried once and he really didn't get it since he kissed me after and then the messaging me this morning too"

"Personally I think you should just straight out tell him you don't want to date him, like yeah you like him a little bit but we both know who you like more"
You giggled slightly and sat up to face him

"Should I do it before we go away? I'm not too keen on the idea of an awkward holiday but then at the same time I feel like it will be an awkward holiday anyway since Josh is going to be watching and talking to me a lot and I'm going to be sharing a room with you"

"Yeah there's probably a small chance he will not like the fact we are sharing a room and will probably be more annoyed that Cal decided put me in the room with you and not Josh"

"Should I just tell him when he asks to talk later or wait a while?"

"Tell him whenever you feel is best, the longer you leave it the more it's going to hit him but telling him tonight will mean Simon will find out instantly and probably go to yours to question you about it"

"No matter when I tell him Simon will come at me for it"
You sighed
"Am I leading him on?"

"I wouldn't say so, you told him how you feel, you told him you like him a little but you like someone else more, he should've understood you by now"

"But he hasn't, it's like he is holding on to a little piece of string instead of just letting it go and fuck it's stressing me out because it's making me feel bad for everything that has happened and whatever does happen between us because he still wants to take me out and be with me and I want to be with you and not him"

"Please don't let it stress you out and please don't feel bad about it, you have nothing to feel bad about. Whatever happens between us doesn't involve Josh and if he can't understand that then you're just going to have to straight up tell him, putting all feelings aside here if you are not interested in him tell him, what's you absolute worst that could happen?"
You shrugged your shoulders just as you heard the door knock

"Where's Gee?"
You asked standing up

"With Josh, as usual"
He stood up and turned you to him, resting his hands on your hips and softly pulling you closer
"Don't worry about Josh, if you decide to tell him tonight nothing bad will happen, I promise"
You smiled and softly pressed your lips against him before slowly pulling away as eh door knocked again

"You should really go and get that"
He laughed before leaving the room, you following behind as he opened the door the reveal Josh

"Simon is running a little late so he will be here in about half an hour"
He smiled before greeting Will and walking in

Thank you for 20k reads. That's fucking maddd❤️

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