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"You look beautiful"
Will spoke as he walked in to your shared bathroom, wrapping his arms around you from behind and swaying the two of you softly
Everyone had decided that it'd be a good idea to not go out getting hammered today, purely from tiredness and not wanting to wake up really late on your first full day there with a banging headache, so you'd all decided to go out for a meal.
You were wearing a simple dress, nothing too long that you'd get hot in but not too sure to make it seem like you were going clubbing

"Thank you"
You whispered softly, your voice going in to a whisper as a blush raised up on your cheeks
You turned around in his arms and faced him
"Simon sent me a message earlier"

"Saying what?"

"He asked me if you'd done or said anything to hurt me"
He narrowed his eyes at you

"Why would he think that?"
You shrugged your shoulders

"He said someone, wouldn't tell me who, told him that you said some hurtful things to me and made me cry really bad"

"What were these things?"

"Well that's the funny thing, everything he was told that you said some hurtful things and told me I was only useful for sex and then the person who told him had to calm me down whilst I was hysterically crying"
Will frowned

"Josh is a cunt"

"I know"
You whispered, leaning your head on his chest as you sighed
"I told him you didn't do anything"

"What did he say?"
You laughed and looked at him

"He didn't believe me"

"What do you mean he didn't believe you? Your his sister he has to believe you"

"Well he doesn't, apparently the person gave him a perfect reason for him to not believe me so he didn't"
You frowned as his arms tightened around your waist and he held you closer to him

"What are we gonna do?"
He asked quietly, you shrugged

"I know it was Josh that's said all this and gosh I'd love nothing more than to slap him right now but it's literally the first day, it's been half a day and he's already trying to fuck up our lives, let's just ignore him"

"You're right but it's hard he's making your brother fucking hate me and I'm not really okay with that"

"I'm not either but we can sort it all out when we go home, we still have a nice few days a head of us"
He smirked at you

"Like our date tomorrow?"
You nodded and laughed

"Of course"

"It'll be fun, just me and you out for the day alone"

"Do you think we should hold off a bit on doing things?"

"I understand holding off on the sex until we are like properly together"
You smiled and nodded

"Thank you for understanding"
He smiled and pulled your body against his, his lips brushing over yours as he did

"But I can still kiss you right?"
You giggled and nodded as his lips pressed against yours, quickly being interrupted but JJ

"We are leaving now"
He spoke loudly, laughing as the two of you pulled away and looked at him

"We are coming now"
Will spoke as JJ left, him going to leave but you grabbing his arm before he could
"Everything okay?"
You smiled and nodded

"Can you not say anything to Josh please? I don't want to end up in argument today"
He nodded and pressed a soft kiss on your head

"I won't say anything until we get home"
You smiled as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, the two of you walked out of your room and out to everyone who was sat in the villa waiting to leave

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