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You woke up the next morning in a way you wished you could every morning, wrapped in Will's arms as his eyes flickered down at you to see yours slowly opening

"Morning gorgeous"
He spoke quietly, a soft smile lingering on his lips as he did

You mumbled back, cuddling deeper in to his chest, you felt his fingers slowly run through your hair

"Excited for our date today?"
You looked up and him and smiled

"Of course I am"

"We should get up?"

"What time is it?"

"Like 9am But I want us to get out as soon as possible, I want to spend the whole day with you"

"Let's get up then"
Eventually you both made it out of bed, dragging yourselves out and around the room to get ready for the day, Will left you alone to get ready, giving you the brief instruction to wear a bikini under your dress
Not too long after Will left, Gee walked in

"You alright?"
She asked as she sat on the bed next to you, watching you slowly apply light coverage make up

"I'm good how are you?"

"I'm good, I just wanted to say sorry for worrying you with the whole Alexa thing"
You turned and smiled to her

"It's okay, don't worry. But I do have a have a few questions about them"

"Go ahead"

"What exactly happened between them? Like how did they meet, did Chip introduce them?"
She nodded

"He told Will his cousin wanted to meet him then on that night they were talking a lot and he ended up asking her to go on a date"

"He asked her quite quick didn't he?"

"I guess so, I think he just liked her bare after meeting her"
You nodded and looked down
"I promise you that you have nothing to worry about, she's a lovely girl, once she knows about you and knows you two have something going on she'll back off"

"I know I know, but you just made it seem like they fell in love in such a short space of time so when he sees her again he'll just drop me instantly and go back to her"

"He wouldn't do that"

"He could"

"Mal he won't, he's not like that"

"And what if he does? What if he goes out of his way to make me feel like a fucking idiot and go back to her"
She frowned

"I've known Will for ages, trust me when I say you have absolutely nothing to worry about"
You smiled at her

"Sorry, I just feel like everything between us is going so well right now, like fuck Josh I don't care about anything he said to Simon, but this whole thing just makes me feel a bit uneasy"

"That's fair, Chip's telling Will about Alexa being back at some point today so I guess we just have to wait and see how he reacts"

"I guess so"
Gee opened her mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by another voice

"Ready to go?"
You looked up and smiled at Will

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