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"Thought you said an hour?"
You laughed whilst opening the door to let Will in

"I was going to wait but I got bored, not like you mind me coming early do you?"

"Not at all"
You smiled as he sat down on the sofa next to you
"What have you planned for us to do"

"Well I was hoping we could go and get breakfast because I'm starving"

"Sure, where do you want to go"

"Well there's this place near by that you can sit outside and eat breakfast at"

"You want to sit outside?"

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"It's like winter it's cold outside"

"It's not winter yet, plus it's not even that cold out yet"

"It pretty much is winter and have you even been out today?"


"Well then how do you know it's not that cold out"

"A guess? Just go put a jumper on or something, it's not like it'll make you look bad"
You stood up and laughed at his words, going to your room and swapping your shirt for a soft jumper and putting on your trainers before walking back out to him
"See you look cute"

"I feel cosy"

"Good now come on, I'm hungry so let's go"
He stood up and rush you out of the door, impatiently waiting for you to lock it before pulling you in to the lift

"Eager much"

"I've been up for ages and I was waiting for you so we could go and get food together"
He ordered an Über on the way down, it arriving surprisingly quick and the two of you jumping in saving yourselves from the bitter cold that was surrounding the two of you
You turned to him and laughed when you got in to the car

"I told you it would be cold out"

"Well we can sit inside then"
You sent him a smile, the journey there was quite quick. When arriving the two of you jumped out of the car whilst saying thank you and bye to the driver before rushing inside of the building that shielding the both of you from the cold
You walked over to a table at the side of the room and sat down, Will sitting down opposite you and sending you a bright smile
You ordered your breakfast then began talking

"Something I'm yet to find out is what you do for work, obviously you're not a youtuber like your brother so what do you do?"

"I recently began helping the boys with the clothing company, just helping sorting out orders and things also helping Simon film a lot, I used to when he'd come back and visit but because I was staying at the house for a while he asked for my help, that's why I helped film that day you were there"

"How long ago did you exactly move here?"

"A few weeks ago, 3 maybe? I haven't been here long but I have came to visit quite a few times recently, I'm surprised we had never met really"

"I didn't even know you existed"
You laughed at him for a moment before he continued
"That sounded mean"

"Don't worry I had no idea who you were until you commented on Simon's photo of me and him"

"Went through my account then?"

"Don't act like you didn't go through mine"
He laughed just as your breakfast had arrived, both of you going for simple meals and digging in

"I was just intrigued to know about Simon's 'secret sister '"

"I actually thought all his friends knew he had a sister"
He shook his head

"He's a protective brother Lia, he's not going to tell all his horny male friends about his hot sister"
His eyes widened at his own words making you laugh

"When you put it that way I understand why he wouldn't want to tell all his 'horny' male friends about me but you know, all the rest of them knew about me, maybe you were the 'horny' male friend he was keeping me from"

"Me? Not at all?"

"Did you not just refer to me as Simon's 'hot sister'"
He shook his head and laughed

"Well I apologise for that"

"Are you apologising for complimenting me?"
He laughed, a very contagious laugh making you giggle too when he had nothing to reply with
By now you had both finished your breakfast and payed, halving the bill much to his dismay as he offered to pay but you insisted and then leaving the building back into the harsh cold

Despite the temperature the two of you decided to walk back to your flats, walking for a while before your phone rang

"It's Simon"
You spoke when Will looked at your phone, you answered your phone

"I thought you were sleeping"

"I was but now I'm awake, I need your help to film something. Can you come


"Well as soon as please"
You hesitated but spoke back

"I'll be down soon

"Thank you"
He spoke before hanging up, Will turning to you

"Simon need you?"

"Im sorry but I've got to go and help him film"
He frowned slightly as you let out a sigh

"It's fine, we can go out another time"

"Thank you and thanks for bringing me to that place. It's been nice and I've enjoyed myself"

"I have too"
You smiled at him

"I've just ordered an Über, I can drop you back first if you'd like?"

"No it's fine I haven't got far to walk anyway"

"You know I will be out all day but I'll be in tonight if you'd like to come over?"
He smiled at your offer

"Sure, just tell me when"
You leaned up and wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him in to a hug and softly kissing his cheek as your Über arrived

"Thanks again Will"
You smiled softly before jumping into the Über leaving him smiling to himself and walking down the road


You probably noticed I haven't updated in a while and that's because I was ill and was on antibiotics, I just felt so weak and sick I could barely do anything but I'm off them today and i feel much better. So regularish updates from now X

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